姓名 徐文祥
電子郵件 whsu(at)nycu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55111
職 稱 教授兼國際長
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55111
辦公室 工程五館431室
個人網站 https://sites.google.com/site/whsulab/
個人網站 奈微米機電實驗室
實驗室 工程五館406室 (分機:55149),奈微米機電實驗室
組別 設計與製造組、微奈米工程組
授課領域 機動學、微機電技術導論、微機電製程實驗
研究專長 奈/微機電技術、機械設計
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
美國 加州大學柏克萊分校 機械系 博士 1989.12 ~ 1992.05
美國 加州大學柏克萊分校 機械系 碩士 1987.08 ~ 1989.12
中華民國 國立交通大學 機械系 學士 1981.09 ~ 1985.06
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立交通大學 國際事務處 國際事務長 2016.01 ~ 迄今
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 教授兼系主任 2012.08 ~ 2014.07
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 副系主任 2010.08 ~ 2012.07
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 教授 1999.08 ~ 迄今
國立交通大學 校長秘書室對外事務組 組長 1996.11 ~ 1998.07
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 副教授 1992.08 ~ 1999.07
台灣福特汽車 製造處引擎廠 工程師 1990.06 ~ 1990.08
加州大學柏克萊分校 機械工程系所 研究助理 1988.08 ~ 1992.06
陸軍軍官學校 機械工程系 教官 1985.10 ~ 1987.05
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2014 高深寬比乾式離子蝕刻尖角及凹角結構蝕刻補償技術應用於微光柵分光元件之研究 徐文祥 Principle investigator 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
2013 核酸檢測系統晶片開發 徐文祥 Principle investigator 2013.01 ~ 2014.12 Panasonic株式會社
2012 節能型智慧無線監控系統平臺建構與其在土木結構診斷應用之研究-總計畫暨子計畫:應用智能材料以微機電技術開發土木結構無線監測模組之獵能器與被動式無線感測器之研究 徐文祥 Principle investigator 2012.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
2012 骨髓內釘固定孔之磁力式定位裝置改進與鑽孔測試 徐文祥 Principle investigator 2012.01 ~ 2014.12 台大醫院新竹分院
2011 重力驅動之電子式靜脈輸液裝置的開發 徐文祥 Principle investigator 2011.01 ~ 2011.12 署立新竹醫院
2011 以創新多頭奈米原子力探針顯微術分析鑲在仿生非對稱雙層脂膜上之質子傳送焦磷酸水解鋂的即時動態特性-以油包覆之水膠液滴製備膜蛋白嵌合之仿生非對稱雙層脂膜(子計畫三) 徐文祥 子計劃主持人 2011.01 ~ 2014.01 行政院國家科學委員會
2011 奈米國家型學研合作計畫-微流體生殖醫學-仿生、檢測與組織工程 徐文祥 計劃共同主持人 2011.01 ~ 2014.01 行政院國家科學委員會
2011 以高分子作為感應偶合電漿反應離子蝕刻側壁保護層以製作單晶矽懸浮微結構之快速製程平台研發 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2011.01 ~ 2012.01 行政院國家科學委員會
2010 多晶矽微慣性感測器的開發(業界委託合作計劃) 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2010.01 ~ 2012.01 業界委託合作計劃
2010 高G 值碰炸開關的研發(中科院委託合作計畫) 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2010.01 ~ 2010.01 國防部軍備局中山科學研究院
2009 科學工業園區固本精進研究計劃-單晶片多晶矽電容式微加速度計 徐文祥 學界主持人 2009.01 ~ 2010.01 行政院國家科學委員會
2008 以電鍍法製作含奈米粒子之金屬微結構的熱膨脹係數及疲勞特性研究 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2008.09 ~ 2011.07 行政院國家科學委員會
2008 以光感高分子材料製作垂直梳狀致動器 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2008.08 ~ 2010.07 行政院國家科學委員會
2006 以微致動器進行微電阻焊在立體微元件組裝的研究 徐文祥 計劃主持人 2006.01 ~ 2008.01 行政院國家科學委員會
2005 含奈米粒子之金屬微元件的製程及機械特性研究 徐文祥 PI 2005.08 ~ 2006.07 行政院國家科學委員會
2004 新型高效率微致動器及其應用在微機電系統之研究 徐文祥 加拿大NRC-台灣NSC國際合作計劃我方主持人 2004.01 ~ 2007.01 加拿大國家研究委員會-台灣國家科學委員會
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2017 An EWOD-based micro diluter with high flexibility on dilution ratio Wang, Y.-B., Huang, J.-H., Lee, M.-S., Huang, C.-Y., Huang, C.-S., Yamashita, I., Tu, Y.-Y., and Hsu, W. Microsystem Technologies
2017 Droplet-based label-free detection system based on guided-mode resonance and electrowetting-on-dielectric for concentration measurement Wang, Y.-B., Su, L.-Y., Fu, C.-S., Huang, C.-S., and Hsu, W. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
2016 A resettable, wireless and passive fall-down recorder using a magnetic droplet with an LC circuit Huang, C.-Y., Sun, P., Lee, M.-S., Wu, S.-Y., Shieh, Y.-C., and Hsu, W. IEEE Sensors Journal
2016 Womb-on-a-Chip Biomimetic System for Improved Embryo Culture and Development Chang, K.-W., Chang, P.-Y., Huang, H.-Y., Li, C.-J., Tien, C.-H., Yao, D.-J., Fan, S.-K., Hsu, W., and Liu, C.-H. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical
2016 A highly efficient bead extraction technique with low bead number for digital microfluidic immunoassay Huang, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-Y., Lee, I-C., Hsu, H.-Y., Huang, H.-Y., Fan, S.-K., Yao, D.-J., Liu, C.-H., and Hsu, W. Biomicrofluidics
2016 A rapid fatigue test method on micro structures for high cycle fatigue Shieh, Y.-C., Lin, H.-Y., Hsu, W., and Lin, Y.-H. IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability
2015 AMPFLUID: aggregation magnified post-assay fluorescence for ultrasensitive immunodetection on digital microfluidics Huang, C.-Y., Shih, P.-H., Tsai, P.-Y., Lee, I-C., Hsu, H.-Y., Huang, H.-Y., Fan, S.-K., and Hsu, W. Proceedings of the IEEE
2015 Development of a High Efficiency In-Line Tube Fan Using CFD Yen, H.-C., Hsu, W., Huang, J.-M., and Lu, C.-W. International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines
2015 An Implantable Drug-delivery System on a Chip Lee, M.-S., Yao, D.-J., and Hsu, W. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
2015 Digital Microfluidic Dynamic Culture of Mammalian Embryos on an Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) Chip Huang, H.-Y., Shen, H.-H., Tien, C.-H., Li, C.-J., Fan, S.-K., Liu, C.-H., Hsu, W., and Yao, D.-J. PLoS ONE
2015 3D-printed microelectronics for integrated circuitry and passive wireless sensors Wu, S.-Y., Yang, C., Hsu, W., and Lin, L. Microsystems and Nanoengineering
2014 A Simulation Model on Photoresist SU-8 Thickness after Development under Partial Exposure with Reflection Effect Huang, Y.-T. and Hsu, W. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
2014 A wirelessly readable and resettable shock recorder through the integration of LC circuits and MEMS devices Wu, S.-Y., Hung, C.-Y., and Hsu, W. Smart Materials and Structures
2014 An Analytical Model for Calculating the Pull-in Voltage of Micro Cantilever Beams Subjected to Tilted and Curled Effects Huang, Y.-T., Chen, H.-L., and Hsu, W. Microelectronic Engineering
2014 Electromagnetic/Magnetic-Coupled Targeting System for Screw-Hole Locating in Intramedullary Interlocking-Nail Surgery Wong, T.-H., Chung, T.-K., Liu, T.-W., Chu, H.-J., Hsu, W., Yeh, P.-C., Lee, C.-C., Lee, M.-S., and Yang, Y.-S. IEEE Sensors Journal
2014 Wireless EWOD/DEP chips powered and controlled through LC circuits and frequency modulation Wu, S.-Y. and Hsu, W. Lab on a Chip
2014 Fabricating embedded SU-8 microstructures with asymmetric inside cross section by double-side multiple partial exposure method Huang, Y.-T and Hsu, W. Microelectronic Engineering
2014 Performance enhancement of the in-line fan equipped with the guiding vane and the tail body Yen, H.-C., Hsu, W., and Lin, S.-C. Journal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering
2013 Soldering of solution-processed organic vertical transistor and lightemitting diode on separate glass substrates by tin micro-balls Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-F., Meng, H.-F., Zan, H.-W., Hsu, W., and Chen, C.-H. Organic Electronics
2013 Design and characterization of LC strain sensors with novel inductor for sensitivity enhancement Wu, S.-Y. and Hsu, W. Smart Materials and Structures 10
2012 Electroplated Ni-CNT Nanocomposite for Micromechanical Resonator Applications Lee, Y.-C., Li, M.-H., Cheng, Y.-T., Hsu, W., and Li, S.-S. IEEE Electron Device Letters
2012 Stress Gradient Modification of the Electroplated Ni-Diamond Nanocomposite for MEMS Fabrication Lee, Y.-C., Cheng, Y.-T. and Hsu, W. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 5
2012 Polymer as the protecting passivation layer in fabricating suspended SCS structures at both anisotropic and isotropic etching Lin, Y.-H. and Hsu, W. J. Micromech. Microeng. 22
2011 Improved model of rectangular scratch drive actuator Chen, S., Chang, C., and Hsu, W. J. Micro/Nanolith, MEMS, MOEMS 10
2011 Droplet-on-a-Wristband: Chip-to-Chip Digital Microfluidic Interfaces between Replaceable and Flexible Electrowetting Modules Fan, S.-K., Yang, H., and Hsu, W. Lab on A Chip 2
2010 Optimization of an optical disk manufacturing process for polymer microfluidic substrates by using the design of experiment methodology Wu, C.H., Hsu, W., Fan, K.W., Lin, Y.L., and Lin Y.C. J. Micro/Nanolith, MEMS, MOEMS 3
2010 The Investigation of Nano-Roughening Effect on the Reliability Enhancement of Adhesive Bond for NEMS Manufacture Application Yang, C.-Y., Cheng, Y.-T. and Hsu, W., IEEE Trans. on Adv. Packaging 2
2010 Output Force Enhancement of Scratch Drive Actuator in Low-Voltage Region by Using Flexible Joint Chen, S., Chang, C., and Hsu, W. Sensors and Transducers 4
2009 Three-dimensional micro assembly of a hinged nickel micro device by magnetic lifting and micro resistance welding Chang, C.-W. and Hsu, W. J. Micromech. Microeng. 10
2009 Experimental investigations and characterization of micro resistance welding with an electro-thermal actuator Chang, C.-W., Yeh, C.-C., and Hsu, W. J. Micromech. Microeng. 2
2009 Investigation of Ni-based Thermal Bimaterial Structure for Sensor and Actuator Application Huang, C.-S., Cheng, Y.-T., Chung, J., and Hsu, W. Sensors and Actuators :A 149
2008 Fabrication of a polymer-based torsional vertical comb drive using a double-side partial exposure method Chung, J.W. and Hsu, W. J. Micromech. Microeng. 3
2008 Effectiveness of Si thin buffer layer for selective SiGe epitaxial growth in recessed source and drain for pMOS Cheng, P.L., Liao, C.I., Chien, C.C., Yang, C.L., Ting, S.F., Jeng, L.S., Huang, C.T., Cheng, Osbert, Tzou, S.F., and Hsu, W. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2-3
2007 Enhancement on forming complex three dimensional microstructures by a double-side multiple partial exposure method Chung, Junwei and Hsu, Wensyang Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, and selected in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, October Issue, 2007 1671
2007 Asymmetric Electrowetting - Moving Droplets by a Square Wave Fan, S.-K., Yang, H., Wang, T.-T., and Hsu, W Lab on A Chip 7
2007 Design and fabrication of polymer microfludic substrates using the optical disc process Wu, C.-H., Chen, C.-H., Fan, K.-W., Hsu, W. and Lin, Y.-C. Sensors and Actuators: A 1-2
2006 Performance Characterization of In-plane Electro-Thermally Driven Linear Microactuators Yongjun Lai, Evgueni V. Bordatchev, Suwas K. Nikumb, Wensyang Hsu Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 10
2006 A self-aligned process between the nano-aperture and solid immersion lens Hung-Lung Hsu, Yu-Ru Chang, Yi Chiu, Yu-Hsin Lin and Wensyang Hsu Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
2006 Ni-CNTs Nanocomposite for Robust MEMS Fabrication Li-Nuan Tsai, Yu-Ting Cheng, Wensyang Hsu, and Weileun Fang J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B.
2006 Performance Improvement of an Electrothermal Microactuator Fabricated Using Ni-Diamond Nanocomposite Li-Nuan Tsai, Guang-Ren Shen, Yu-Ting Cheng and Wensyang Hsu IEEE/ASME Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 1
2006 A Wafer-Level Hermetic Encapsulation for MEMS Manufacture Application Zhi-Hao Liang, Yu-Ting Cheng, Wensyang Hsu, Yuh-Wen Lee IEEE Trans. on Adv. Packaging 3
2006 Design and Fabrication of an Electrothermal Microactuator for Multi-level Conveying Chien-Tai Wu, Wensyang Hsu Journal of Microsystem Technologies 4
2006 Design and Characterization of Electrothermal Monolithic Long-Stretch Micro Drive with High Output Efficiency W. Hsu IEEE/ASME Journal of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems 4
2006 Effective surface treatments for selective epitaxial SiGe growth in locally strained pMOSFETs Cheng, P.L., Liao, C.I., Wu, H.R., Chen, Y.C., Chien, C.C., Yang, C.L., Tzou, S.F., Tang, J., Kodali, R., Washington, L., Cho, Y., Chang, V.C., Fu, T., and Hsu, W. J. of Semiconductor Science and Technology 22
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點
2016 Integration of Photonic Crystal and Electrowetting-on-dielectric Microfluidics for Concentration Measurement Su, L.-Y., Fu, C.-S., Wang, Y.-B., Huang, C.-S., and Hsu, W. Optofluidics 2016 Beijing, China
2015 A Removable Mechanism for Positioning Magnet for Distal Locking in Intramedullary Nailing Surgery Lee, M.-S., Hsu, P.-J., Sun, A., Wong, T.-H., Hsu, W., and Chung, T.-K. IFToMM 2015 Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Investigation of three-dimension bead aggregation effect for optical sensing in digital microfluidics platform Chung, Y.-H., Huang, C.-Y., Tsai, P.-Y., Hsu, H.-Y., and Hsu, W. Optofluidics 2015 Taipei, Taiwan
2015 A novel inclined lipid bilayer formation based on DIB method Wang, Y.-B., Siao, M.-H., Huang, C.-Y., and Hsu, W. Optofluidics 2015 Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Embryo lab chip taking advantage of microfluidics and cell co-culturing Liu, C.-H., Chang, K.-W., Chang, P.-Y., Sung, Y.-J., Huang, H.-Y., Yao, D.-J., Fan, S.-K., Hsu, W., and Li, C.-J. IEEE Transducers 2015 Alaska, USA
2015 3D Printed RF Passive Components by Liquid Metal Filling Yang, C., Wu, S.-Y., Glick, C., Choi, Y., Hsu, W., and Lin, L. IEEE MEMS 2015 Estoril, Portugal
2012 Signal Enhancement by Particle Concentration Using Dielectrophoresis in an Electrowetting-driven Droplet Chuo, T.-M., Shih, P.-H., Hsu, W., Huang, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-T., and Fan, S.-K. IEEE NANOMED 2012 Bangkok, Thailand
2012 Fabrication of Deep Lateral Single-Crystal-Silicon Blaze Micro-grating by Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Reactive Ion Etch, Lin, Y. H., Weng, C. J., Su, C. Y. Su, Hsu, W. IEEE-NEMS 2012 Kyoto, Japan
2012 Development of Microbead-based Affinity Biosensor by Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis Chuo Tsung-Min, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu Wensyang IEEE-NEMS 2012 Kyoto, Japan
2011 Sensitivity Enhancement of LC Sensors with Novel Inductor Design Wu, S.Y. and Hsu, W. IEEE SENSORS 2011 Limerick, Ireland
2011 Capillary Electrophoresis in Virtual Microchannel Based on Dielectrophoresis Huang, Cheng-Yeh, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu, Wensyang The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2011) Seattle, USA.
2011 A Robust Micro Mechanical-latch Shock Switch with Low Contact Resistance Chung, C.H. Ma, R.-P. Ma, Shieh, Y.-C. and Hsu, W. The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers’11) Beijing, China
2011 Electroosmotic Flow Control in a Virtual Microchannel Based on Liquid Dielectrophoresis Huang, Cheng-Yeh, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu, Wensyang IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2011) Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2011 Electroplating Process of Ni-CNTs Nanocomposite for MEMS Resonator Fabrication Lee, Yi-Chia, Cheng, Y. T. and Hsu, Wensyang IEEE MEMS Conference Cancun, Mexico
2010 Output Force Characterization of Scratch Drive Actuators with Flexible Joints Chen, Shawn, Chang, Chiawei, and Hsu, Wensyang 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010) Perth, West Australia
2010 Feasibility Study on Using Polymer as Protecting Material in Fabricating Suspended Single-Crystal-Silicon Microstructures, Lin, Yu-Hsin, and Hsu, Wensyang 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010) Perth, West Australia
2010 A Rapid Fatigue Test Method on Microstructures, Lin, Hsuan-Yu, Lee, Yi-Chia and Hsu Wensyang 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2010) Perth, West Australia
2009 Electroosmotic Flow in Dielectrophoresis-Formed Microchannel Hu, Hao-Yu Fan, Shih-Kang Hsu, Wensyang Huang, Cheng-Yeh the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering Tainan, Taiwan.
2009 Young’s modulus and fatigue lifetime improvements by diamond size effect on electroplated Ni-diamond nanocomposite Huang, C.S. Cheng, Y.T. Yeh, C.J. Liu, H.K. and Hsu, W. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers 2009) Denver, U.S.A.
2008 Connecting interface for modularization of digital microfluidics Yang, H.P. Fan, S.K., and Hsu, W. SPIE Symposium on MOEMS-MEMS San Jose, USA.
2008 Characterization of microresistance welding with electro-thermal actuator for micro assembly Chang, Chun-Wei and Hsu, W. SPIE Symposium on MOEMS-MEMS San Jose, USA.
2008 Wristand-like droplet platform by digital microfluidic modulation Yang, H.P. Hsu, W., and Fan, S.K. IEEE MEMS Conference Tucson, USA.
2008 Fabrication of polymer-based vertical comb drive using a double-side multiple partial exposure method, Chung, Junwei, Lee, Y.C. and Hsu, W. 2008 IEEE MEMS Conference Tucson, USA.
2007 Transporting and Heating Droplets by AC Electric Fields on a EWOD-Based Parallel Plate Device Wei, Jen-Hung, Hsu, Wensyang, Fan, Shih-Kang IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular, Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED) Macau, China
2007 Reflective electronic-paper display utilizing electric polarized particle chains Chiu, C P, Huang, P W, Fan, S K, Wei, J H, and Hsu, W. Society for Information Display (SID) International Symposium Long Beach, USA.
2007 A Novel Fabrication Method of Microlens Array by Surface Tension and Injection Process Lin Y S and Hsu W Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Fabrication of 3D Photoresist Microstructures for the Polymer Vertical Comb Drive Chung J and Hsu W Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Realizing Temperature-Controlled Digital Microfluidic Chips with Versatile Microelectrodes Wei J H, Hsu W and Fan S K Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Micro Assembly by Micro Resistance Welding with Electro-Thermal Actuators Yeh C C, Chung J, Chang C W and Hsu W Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Bangkok, Thailand
2007 Thermal Bimetallic Microactuators by Ni and Ni-diamond Nanocomposite Huang C S, Chung J, Cheng Y T and Hsu W Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems Bangkok, Thailand
2006 Performance Enhancement of Comb Drive Actuator Utilizing Electroplated Nickel-Diamond Nanocomposite Lee, Yi-Chia, Tsai, Li-Nuan, Cheng, Yu-Ting and Hsu, Wensyang the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006) Singapore
2006 Characterization of Electroplated Nickel Films at Different Thickness Chung, J.W., Teng, Y.Y, and Hsu, W. the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006) Singapore
2006 A Bio-compatible Microgripper Operated in Aqueous Environment Chang, C.W. and Hsu, W. the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006) Singapore
2006 Design and Fabrication of Polymer Microfluidic Platform by Optical Disc Process Wu, C.H., Chen, C.H., Fan, K.W., Hsu, W., and Lin, Y.C. the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006) Singapore
2006 A novel self-aligned process between the nano-aperture and solid immersion lens Hsu, H.L., Chang, Y.R., Lin, Y.H., and Hsu, W. the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006) Singapore
2006 Nano-Roughening for Reliable N/MEMS Manufacture Yang, Chia-Yeh, Cheng, Y. T., and Hsu, W. IEEE-NEMS 2006 Zhuhai, China
2005 3D Droplet Transportation by EWOD Actuations on Flexible Polymer Films Yang, H., Fan, S.-K. and Hsu, W. ASME IMECE 2005 Orlando, USA