In order to strengthen international cooperation and improve research quality, the department cooperates with universities such as Tohoku University, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, National University of Singapore, and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) to jointly conduct research projects and academic exchanges.
The current planning and division of the cooperation plan are as follows:
一、賴錦文教授 Professor Lua Kim Boon
(1)將與新加坡南洋理工大學New Tze How副教授合作進行渦環動力學的研究,特別是當它們與固體和非固體邊界相互作用時。發展諸如雷射誘導螢光可視化和粒子圖像測速測量的實驗。
Research on vortex ring dynamics will be conducted in collaboration with Associate Professor New Tze How of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, especially when they interact with solid and non-solid boundaries. Experiments such as laser induced fluorescence visualization and particle image velocimetry were developed.
(2)將與新加坡國立大學Yap Choon Hwai助理教授合作,與機械系賴錦文教授合作開發抗血栓形成血泵的研究。
Cooperate with Prof. Yap Choon Hwai, Assistant Professor of the National University of Singapore, to develop an antithrombotic blood pump in collaboration with Professor Lua Kim Boon from the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
(3)將與印度Kharagpur印度理工學院(IIT)航空航天工程系的助理教授Sunil Manohar Dash博士合作進行設計,開發和分析2D / 3D前飛翼撲翼飛行器。
Designed, developed and analyzed 2D / 3D front wing flapping wing aircraft in collaboration with Dr. Sunil Manohar Dash, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
二、鄭雲謙教授 Professor Yun-Chien Cheng
(1)東北大學Prof. Sato教授實驗室已完成高壓電場實驗架設,未來將合作進行高壓電場相關生醫實驗。
Professor Prof. Sato's laboratory at Tohoku University has completed the erection of high-voltage electric field experiments, and will cooperate with high-voltage electric field-related biomedical experiments in the future.
Cooperate with Northeastern University and establish biomedical applications and experiments that simultaneously apply high-voltage electricity and fluid mechanics systems, and predict the experimental results by hydrodynamics simulation system.
三、楊秉祥教授 Professor Bing-Shiang Yang
(1)將邀請日本東京理科大學教授Hiroshi Takemura蒞臨交大演講,並討論機械與機器人相關領域之合作研究交流,以強化實質國際合作。
Hiroshi Takemura, a professor at Tokyo University of Science in Japan, will be invited to give a speech at the National Chiao Tung University, and discuss cooperative research and exchanges in the field of machinery and robotics to strengthen substantive international cooperation.