
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2011 3D Simulations of Cold Gas Flow in a Hybrid Single-port Combustion Chamber with a Mixing Enhancer 吳宗信,T.-H. Chou, J.-S. Wu* and Y.-S. Chen 8th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Japan
2011 Improvement of Cell Attachment and Proliferation of Polylactide Surface Using a Two-Step Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment Procedure 吳宗信,Y.-W. Yang, C.-L. Kuo, C.-C. Wen, J.-Y. Wu, H.-Y. Huang, M.-H. Chiang and J.-S. Wu* 8th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Japan
2011 Experimental Characterization of a Helium Round Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet with a Convergent Nozzle 吳宗信,C.-T. Liu, Y.-W. Yang, Z.-H. Lin, P.-T. Shen, C.-J. Wu, J.-R. Lin, K.-C. Liao and J.-S. Wu* 8th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Japan
2011 Parallel Fluid Modeling of Large-Area Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Amorphous Silicon Thin Film 吳宗信,Chieh-Tsan Hung, Kun-Mo Lin, Jong-Shinn Wu* and Jen-Perng Yu 8th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Japan
2011 Development of Parallel Fluid Modeling for Low-temperature Inductively Coupled Plasma Source in Etching or Deposition Process 吳宗信,Y.-M. Chiu, C.-T. Hung, J.-S. Wu*, F.-N. Hwang 8th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Japan
2011 Manipulations of Vibrating Micro Magnetic Particle Chains 陳慶耀,Y.-H. Li, S.-T. Sheu, J.-M. Pai and C.-Y. Chen The 56th Annual MMM Conference Scottsdale, Arizona
2011 Sensitivity Enhancement of LC Sensors with Novel Inductor Design 徐文祥,Wu, S.Y. and Hsu, W. IEEE SENSORS 2011 Limerick, Ireland
2011 Real-Time Self-Tuning Approach for Intelligent Elevator Group Control System 李安謙,Ta-Cheng Chen, Yuan-Yong Hsu, An-Chen Lee and Pei-Tzu Hong The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science
2011 Capillary Electrophoresis in Virtual Microchannel Based on Dielectrophoresis 徐文祥,Huang, Cheng-Yeh, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu, Wensyang The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2011) Seattle, USA.
2011 量測一單根尼龍-6奈米纖維熱傳導率之微元件 呂明璋(2019年調職),劉岳儒, 簡東甫, 杜成偉 和 呂明璋 中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會