
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2012 Parallel fluid modeling of a dome- shape inductively coupled plasma reactor with fluorocarbon precusor 吳宗信,Y.-M. Chiu, C.-T. Hung and J.-S. Wu* 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS2012) Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
2012 Development of a parallel fluid modeling code considering em wave effect 吳宗信,C.-T. Hung, K.-M. Lin and J.-S. Wu* 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS2012) Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
2012 High Rotation Number Effect on Heat Transfer in a Leading Edge Cooling Channel with Three Channel Orientations 劉耀先,Huang, S.C. and Liu, Y.H. ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2012-68389 Copenhagen, Denmark
2012 (COMPEL 2012) The Novel V-groove TO-3P Packaging Design and Electrical Test of AlGaN/GaN Power HEMT 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Chia-Hung Liu, Stone Cheng, Chi-Ying Li, and Po-Chien Chou 京都
2012 (COMPEL 2012) A New High Power Device of GaN HEMTs on Si Substrate with Lateral Heat Dissipation Packaging 鄭泗東(2023年退休)/Stone Cheng COMPEL 2012
2012 Investigation of Substrate Rotation on the Flow Field in a Chemical Vapor Deposition Chamber Using Particle Image Velocimetry 劉耀先,Tseng, L.W., Wang, C.S., Liu, Y.H., Wang, C.C., Huang, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Lin, K.L. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference Fukuoka, Japan
2012 複合材料修補件之疲勞行為研究 金大仁(2020年退休),吳家宏,金大仁 中華民國第五屆破壞科學研討會論文集,pp.97-104.
2012 Two-Dimensional Pheromone Propagation Controller 李安謙/Der-Shui Lee and An-Chen Lee International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012 Shenzhen, China
2012 Run-to-Run Mixed Product Overlay Process Control: Using Tool Based Disturbance Estimator (TBDE) Approach 李安謙,An-Chen Lee, Tzu-Wei Kuo and Shang-Wei Chiang International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012 Shenzhen, China
2012 Fabrication of Deep Lateral Single-Crystal-Silicon Blaze Micro-grating by Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Reactive Ion Etch, 徐文祥,Lin, Y. H., Weng, C. J., Su, C. Y. Su, Hsu, W. IEEE-NEMS 2012 Kyoto, Japan