Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2012 Parallel fluid modeling of a dome- shape inductively coupled plasma reactor with fluorocarbon precusor Jong-Shinn Wu ,Y.-M. Chiu, C.-T. Hung and J.-S. Wu* 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS2012)
2012 Development of a parallel fluid modeling code considering em wave effect Jong-Shinn Wu ,C.-T. Hung, K.-M. Lin and J.-S. Wu* 39th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS2012)
2012 High Rotation Number Effect on Heat Transfer in a Leading Edge Cooling Channel with Three Channel Orientations, Yao-Hsien Liu ,Huang, S.C. and Liu, Y.H. ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2012-68389 Copenhagen, Denmark
2012 (COMPEL 2012) The Novel V-groove TO-3P Packaging Design and Electrical Test of AlGaN/GaN Power HEMT Stone Cheng,Chia-Hung Liu, Chi-Ying Li, and Po-Chien Chou Kyoto
2012 (COMPEL 2012) A New High Power Device of GaN HEMTs on Si Substrate with Lateral Heat Dissipation Packaging Stone Cheng COMPEL 2012
2012 Investigation of Substrate Rotation on the Flow Field in a Chemical Vapor Deposition Chamber Using Particle Image Velocimetry, Yao-Hsien Liu ,Tseng, L.W., Wang, C.S., Liu, Y.H., Wang, C.C., Huang, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Lin, K.L. 24th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference Fukuoka, Japan
2012 Composite repair of fatigue behavior Tai-Yan Kam ,Wu Jiahong, Tai-Yan Kam Republic of the fifth destruction of the Scientific Symposium,pp.97-104.
2012 Two-Dimensional Pheromone Propagation Controller An-Chen Lee /Der-Shui Lee and An-Chen Lee International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012
2012 Run-to-Run Mixed Product Overlay Process Control: Using Tool Based Disturbance Estimator (TBDE) Approach An-Chen Lee ,An-Chen Lee, Tzu-Wei Kuo and Shang-Wei Chiang International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012 Shenzhen, China
2012 Fabrication of Deep Lateral Single-Crystal-Silicon Blaze Micro-grating by Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Reactive Ion Etch, Wen-Syang Hsu ,Lin, Y. H., Weng, C. J., Su, C. Y. Su, Hsu, W. IEEE-NEMS 2012