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Educational Goals

Educational Goals

Undergraduate Program:
1. Cultivation of students’ fundamental science and professional engineering knowledge.
2. Cultivation of students’ interdisciplinary capabilities.
3. Cultivation of students’ engineering ethics and teamwork.
4. Cultivation of students’ international perspective and humanity.

Graduate School:
1. Cultivation of students' professional advanced knowledge.
2. Cultivation of students' engineering practices and R&D capabilities.
3. Cultivation of students' teamwork and scientific research leadership capabilities.
4. Cultivation of students' international perspective and lifelong learning capabilities.


Core Capabilities
Undergraduate Program:
1. ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.
2. ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
3. ability to apply techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for engineering practice.
4. ability to design an engineering system, component, or process.
5. ability to manage project, including budgeting, communicate effectively, work in multi-disciplinary environment, and function on teams.
6. ability to identify, formulate, research literature and analyses complex engineering problems reaching substantial conclusions.
7. knowledge of contemporary issues; an understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in an environmental, societal, and global context; and the ability and habit to engage in life-long      learning.
8. apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice, and a sense of respect for diversity.
Graduate School:
1. professional knowledge in a specific field.
2. ability to organize and implement a research project.
3. ability to conduct professional journal writing.
4. ability for innovative thinking and independent problem solving.
5. ability to collaborate with people in an interdisciplinary setting.
6. sound international scope of view.
7. leadership, management and planning.
8. ability for life-long learning.
