
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2009 “基於中階特徵表示法之音訊信號旋律萃取研究” 鄭泗東(2023年退休),曾于恬,鄭泗東 第五屆國際電腦音樂與音訊技術研討會(Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology), 台北市
2009 Simulation of Helium Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate 吳宗信,M.-H. Hu, C.-T. Hung, J.-S. Wu*, Y.-S. Chen, J.-P. Yu Conference on Computational Physics (CCP) 2009 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009 (SMC 2009) Torsional Vibration Suppression Auto-tuning Scheme for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor-Load System 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Shiang-Chih Fu, Stone Cheng IEEE System, Man, Cybernetic (SMC2009), San Antonio/USA
2009 "A COMS Micromachined Resonant Sensor with Thermal Actuation and Piezoresistive Sensing," 陳宗麟,C.-Y. Tsai, J.-J. Wang, T.-L. Chen, C.-F. Lin, H.-H. Liao, and Y.-Z. Juang, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering, Ghent, Belgium
2009 "Design and Fabrication of the MEMS Logic Gate Through a Novel Metal Contact Process," 陳宗麟,C.-Y. Tsai, T.-L. Chen, and C.-W. Liu Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Micro & Nano Engineering, Ghent, Belgium
2009 "Characterizing fracture parameters of graphene sheet using atomistic simulation and continuum modeling" 蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Yu-Jen Tzou The 1st joint American- Canadian International Conference on Composites Newark, Delaware, USA (Others)
2009 Investigation of Optimum Process Parameters on the Sheet Hydroforming of Titanium / Aluminum Clad Metal for Battery Housing 洪景華,H-C Tseng, Z-C Wu, C Hung, M-H Lee, C-C Huang 4th international conference on tube hydroforming Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009 “Effective Interfacial Tensions in a Miscible Interface” 陳慶耀/C.-Y. Chen The 16th (ROC) National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Land County, Taiwan
2009 Inviscid Flow Modeling using the Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) Method 吳宗信,Hadley M. Cav, Chin-Wai Lim, Y.-J. Lin, Mark C. Jermy, Susan P. Krumdieck, J.-S. Wu* The 16th National Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Lan
2009 The Experimental Study of the Effect of Flow Pattern Geometry on Performance of Micro Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),T. Y. Chen, C. H. Chen and C. H. Chen World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology Norway