2008 |
"Modal characteristics of composite plates elastically restrained at different locations" |
W. F. Hou and T. Y. Kam |
Int’l Journal of Mechanical Science(Accepted) |
2007 |
Free vibration analysis and material constants identification of laminated composite sandwich plates |
C. R. Lee, T. Y. Kam, and Sun, S. J. |
ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics |
No. 8 |
2007 |
System parameters evaluation of flexibly supported laminated composite sandwich plates |
C. R. Lee, S. J. Sun and T. Y. Kam |
No. 9 |
2007 |
Elastic Constants Identification of Symmetric Angle-Ply Laminate via a Two-Level Optimization Approach |
C. M. Chen and T. Y. Kam |
J. Composites Science & Technology |
No.3-4 |
2007 |
A two-level optimization procedure for material characterization of composites using two symmetric angle-ply beams |
C. M. Chen and T. Y. Kam |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences(accepted) |
2006 |
“System identification of partially restrained composite plates using measured natural frequency” |
C. R. Lee and T. Y. Kam |
ASCE, J. Engineering Mechanics |
No.8 |
2006 |
Identification of mechanical properties of elastically restrained laminated composite plates using vibration data |
C. R. Lee and T. Y. Kam |
J. Sound and Vibration |
No.3-5 |
2006 |
Elastic Constants Identification of Composite Materials Using a Single Angle-Ply Laminate |
C. M. Chen and T. Y. Kam |
ASCE, J. Engineering Mechanics |
No.11 |
2001 |
“Elastic constants identification of shear deformable laminated composite plates” |
W. T. Wang and T. Y. Kam |
ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division |
No. 11 |
2000 |
“Probabilistic failure analysis of transversed laminated composite plates using the first –order second moment method” |
S. C. Lin and T. Y. Kam |
ASCE, J. Engineering Mechanics |
No. 8 |
2000 |
“Determination of elastic constants of composite laminates via static testing” |
W. T. Wang and T. Y. Kam |
Int’l J. Composite Structures(Invited paper) |
No. 4 |
2000 |
“Identification of material constants of composite laminated pressure vessels using measured strains,” |
T. Y. Kam, C. H. Lin and W. T. Wang |
ASME, Journal Engineering Materials and Technology |
No. 4 |
1999 |
“Experimental and theoretical predictions of first-ply failure strength of laminated composite plates” |
T. Y. Kam and F. M. Lai |
International Journal of Solids and Structures |
No. 16 |
1999 |
“Failure analysis of a fragile laminated composite canister cover" |
J. H. Wu, W. T. Wang and T. Y. Kam |
Proc., Instn. Mech. Engrs. |
Part G (Aerospace Engineering) |
1999 |
“Reliability assessment of laminated composite plates with random strength parameters ” |
T. Y. Kam, K. H. Chu and E. S. Chang |
No. 12 |
1999 |
"External failure pressure of a frangible laminated composite canister cover” |
T. Y. Kam, J. H. Wu and W. T. Wang |
Int’1 J. Composite Structure |
1999 |
“Optimum Design of Foam-Filled Laminated Composite Sandwich Plates” |
T. Y. Kam, F. M. Lai, and T. M. Chao |
Int’1 J. Solids & Structures |
No.19 |
1998 |
“Fatigue reliability evaluation for composite laminates via a direct numerical integration technique” |
T. Y. Kam, K. H. Chu and S. Y. Tsai |
Int'l J. Solids & Structures |
No. 13 |
1998 |
“Fatigue analysis of cracked plates repaired with bonded composite patches” |
T. Y. Kam, Y. C. Tsai and K. H. Chu |
No. 1 |
1998 |
“Stiffness identification of laminated composite shafts” |
T. Y. Kam and C. K. Liu |
International J. of Mechanical Sciences |
No. 9 |
1998 |
“Fatigue of cracked plates repaired with single-sided composite patches” |
T. Y. Kam, K. H. Chu and Y. C. Tsai |
No. 4 |
1997 |
“Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Composite Laminates under Spectrum Stress,” |
T. Y. Kam, S. Y. Tsai and K. H. Chu |
Int’1 J. Solids & Structures |
No. 12 |
1997 |
"First-ply Failure Strength of Laminated Composite Pressure Vessels," |
T. Y. Kam and Y. W. Lui |
Int'l J. Composite Structures, |
Nos. 1-4 |
1997 |
“Reliability Formulation for Composite Laminates Subjected to First-ply Failure,” |
T. Y. Kam and E. S. Chang |
Int'l J. Composite Structures |
Nos. 1-4 |
1997 |
“Evaluation of buckling and first-ply failure probabilities of composite laminates,” |
S. C. Lin, T. Y. Kam and K. H. Chu |
Int'l J. Solids & Structures |
No. 13 |
1996 |
“Prediction of First-ply Failure Strengths of Laminated Composite Plates Using a Finite Element Approach,” |
T. Y. Kam, R. R. Chang, H. F. Sher and T. N. Chao, |
International Journal of Solids & Structures |
1996 |
"Minimum Weight Design of Laminated Composite Plates Subject to Strength Constraint," |
T. Y. Kam, F. M. Lai and S. C. Liao, |
1995 |
“Maximum Stiffness Design of Laminated Composite Plates via a Constrained Global Optimization Approach,” |
T. Y. Kam and F. M. Lai |
Int'l J. of Composite Structures, |
1995 |
“Optimal Parameters for Curing Gr/Ep Composite Laminates,” |
T. Y. Kam, F. M. Lai and H. F. Sher |
Int'l J. of Materials Processing Technology, |
1995 |
“First-ply Failure Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates Based on the Layerwise Linear Displacement Theory,” |
T. Y. Kam and T. P. Jan, |
Int'l J. of Composite Structures, |
1995 |
“Design of Laminated Composite Plates for Optimal Dynamic Characteristics Using a Constrained Global Optimization Technique,” |
T. Y. Kam and F. M. Lai, |
Int'l J. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering |
1995 |
“Nonlinear and First-ply Failure Analysis of Laminated Cross-ply Plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and H. F. Sher, |
Journal of Composite Materials, |
1995 |
“Impact analysis of shear deformable laminated composite plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and W. J. Chang, |
J. Energy Resources and technology, ASME, |
1994 |
“Analysis of Geometrically Nonlinear Clamped Laminated Composite Plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and H. F. Sher |
Chinese J. of Mechanics, |
2 |
1994 |
“Design of Thick Laminated Composite Plates for Maximum Damping,” |
T. Y. Kam, R. R. Chang |
Int'l J. Composite Structures, |
1994 |
“Crack Size Identification Using an Expanded Mode Method,” |
T. Y. Kam and T. Y. Lee |
International Journal of Solids & Structures, |
1994 |
“Identification of Crack Size via an Energy Approach,” |
T. Y. Kam and T. Y. Lee |
Int. J. Nondestructive Evaluation, |
1993 |
“Detection of Crack Location via a Global Minimization Approach,” |
T. Y. Lee and T. Y. Kam |
Int'l J. Engineering Optimization, |
1993 |
“Reliability Analysis of Nonlinear Laminated Composite Plate Structures,” |
T. Y. Kam, S. C. Lin and K. M. Hsiao |
Int'l J. Composite Structures, |
1993 |
“Finite Element Analysis of Shear Deformable Laminated Composite Plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and R. R. Chang |
J. Energy Resources & Technology, ASME, |
1993 |
“Design of Laminated Composite Plates for Maximum Buckling Load and Frequency,” |
T. Y. Kam and R. R. Chang |
Int'l J. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering, |
1993 |
“Design of Laminated Composite Plates for Maximum Shear Buckling Load,” |
R. R. Chang, K. H. Chu and T. Y. Kam |
ASME, J. Energy Resources Technology, |
1992 |
“Optimum Design of Laminated Composite Structures Via a Multilevel Substructuring and Optimization Approach,” |
T. Y. Kam |
Int'l J. of Eng. Optimization, |
1992 |
“Probabilistic Analysis of Imperfect Frames Using the Stochastic Finite Element Method,” |
S. C. Lin and T. Y. Kam |
Computers and Structures, |
1992 |
“Reliability Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and S. C. Lin |
Proc. NSC, Part A, |
1992 |
“Design of Thick Laminated Composite Plates for Maximum Stiffness,” |
T. Y. Kam and R. R. Chang |
Int'l J. of Engineering Optimization, |
1992 |
“Design of Laminated Composite Box-Structures Using a Multilevel Optimization and Substructuring Approach,” |
T. Y. Kam |
Int'l J. of Modelling, Measurement & Control, |
1992 |
“Buckling Analysis of Shear Deformable Laminated Composite Plates,” |
T. Y. Kam and R. R. Chang |
Int'l J. Composite Structures, |
1992 |
“Detection of Cracks from Modal Test Data,” |
T. Y. Kam and T. Y. Lee |
Int'l J. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, |
1992 |
“Buckling Failure Probability of Imperfect Frames,” |
S. C. Lin and T. Y. Kam |
Computers and Structures, |
1991 |
“Optimal Design of Laminated Composite Plates Using a Global Optimization Technique, “ |
T. Y. Kam and J. Snyman |
Composite Structures, |
1990 |
“A Probabilistic Procedure for the Nonlinear Analysis of Structures,” |
T. Y. Kam and S. C. Lin |
Computers and Structures |
1989 |
“Reliability Analysis of Brittle Structures under Thermal Shocks,” |
T. Y. Kam |
Engineering Facture Mechanics, |
3 |
1989 |
“Nonlinear Analysis of Tubular Steel Framed Structures, “ |
T. Y. Kam |
Computers and Structures, |
1989 |
“Multilevel Optimal Design of Laminated Composite Plate Structures, “ |
T. Y. Kam and M. D. Lai |
Computers and Structures, |
2 |
1989 |
“Optimal Design of Laminated Composite Plates with Dynamic and Static Considerations, “ |
T. Y. Kam and R. R. Chang |
Computers and Structures, |
2 |
1989 |
“Thermal Shock Fracture Analysis of Brittle Bodies,” |
T. Y. Kam and C. D. Lu |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, |
1989 |
“Reliability Analysis of Brittle Systems Considering Several Random Variables, “ |
T. Y. Kam and C. D. Lu |
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, |
1988 |
“Large Deflection Analysis of inelastic Plane Frames,” |
T. Y. Kam |
ASCE, J. of Structural Division, |
1 |
1988 |
“Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Inelastic Steel Plane Frames,” |
T. Y. Kam, S. C. Lin |
Computers and Structures, |
4 |
1988 |
“Probabilistic Dynamic Analysis of Existing Structure,“ |
T. Y. Kam |
Int. J. Math. & Compt. Modelling, |
1987 |
“Reliability of Framed Structures with Initial Imperfections,” |
T. Y. Kam |
Computers and Structures, |
5 |
1987 |
“Reliability of Brittle Structures under Random Loadings,” |
T. Y. Kam, H. C. Chew |
Computers and Structures, |
5 |
1986 |
“Nonlinear Analysis of Steel Plane Frames with Initial Imperfections, “ |
T. Y. Kam, F. S. Lee |
Computers and Structures, |
4 |
1984 |
“Subjective Modification of Aging Stochastic System,” |
T. Y. Kam, C. B. Brown |
ASCE, J. of Engineering Mech. Division, |
5 |
1983 |
“Inelastic Tangential Stiffness for 2-D Frames,” |
T. Y. Kam, E. C. Rossow, R. B. Coroties |
ASCE, J. of Structural Division, |
11 |
1983 |
“Reliability of Nonlinear Framed Structures,” |
T. Y. Kam, R. B. Coroties, E. C. Rossow |
ASCE, J. of Structural Division, |
7 |
1983 |
“Updating Parameters with Fuzzy Entropies,” |
T. Y. Kam, C. B. Brown |
ASCE, J. of Engineering Mech. Division |
6 |