
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2010 Transport phenomena and performance of a plate methanol steam micro-reformer with serpentine flow field design 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, and C. H. Chen Applied Energy Issue10
2010 Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in the plate methanol steam micro-reformer channels 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, C. H. Chen and M. H. Chang Appl. Therm. Eng.
2010 Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in a plate methanol steam micro reformer with methanol catalytic combustor 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C. Y. Hsueh, H. S. Chu, W. M. Yan, and C. H. Chen International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2010 High-efficiency Combustion of Natural Gas with 21-30% Oxygen-Enriched Air 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),K. K. Wu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, Y. D. Chen Fuel
2010 Experimental study of evaporation heat transfer of R-134a in a narrow annular duct 林清發(2016年退休),C.A. Chen, C.Y. Lee, T. F. Lin* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Time periodic flow boiling heat transfer of R-134a and associated bubble characteristics in a narrow annular duct due to flow rate oscillation, 林清發(2016年退休),C.A. Chen, W.R. Chang, T. F. Lin* nternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Optimization of Seesaw Swing Arm Actuator Design for Small Form Factor Optical Disk Drive 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Po-Chien Chou, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Stone Cheng† Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (SCI)
2010 A Novel Seesaw Swivel Actuator Design and Fabrication 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Po-Chien Chou, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Stone Cheng IEEE Transactions on Magnetics No. 7 (SCI, Others)
2010 "Estimating Road Angles With the Knowledge of the Vehicle Yaw Angle," 陳宗麟/L. - Y. Hsu and T. - L. Chen Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control No. 3
2010 "Investigating Mechanical Behaviors of Silica Nanoparticle Reinforced Composites" 蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Hung Hsiao and Yi-Lieh Cheng publication in Journal of Composite Materials (SCI)