
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2019 Field-free spin-orbit torque switching through domain wall motion 張存均,Neil Murray, Wei-Bang Liao, Ting-Chien Wang, Liang-Juan Chang, Li-Zai Tsai, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Shang-Fan Lee, and Chi-Feng Pai Physical Review B (SCI)
2019 Quantification of gas-assisted evaporation in minichannels with negative wall superheats 傅本然,H.Y. Wu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2019 Quench of molten copper and eutectic mixture in natural seawater 傅本然,Y.Y. Chang, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2019 Analysis of energy efficiency improvement of high-tech fabrication plants 傅本然,S.C. Hu, T. Lin, B.R. Fu*, C.K. Chang, I.Y. Cheng International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies (SCI)
2019 Passive Magnetic-Flux-Concentrator Based Electromagnetic Targeting System for Endobronchoscopy 鄭雲謙,Chin-Chung Chen, Ching-Kai Lin, Chen-Wei Chang, Yun-Chien Cheng, Jia-En Chen, Sung-Lin Tsai, Tien-Kan Chung* Sensors (SCI Ranking 15/64= 0.23, Instruments, IF: 3.302)
2019 Visual Servo Control System of a Piezoelectric 2-Degree-of-Freedom Nano-Stepping Motor 洪紹剛,Cheng-Lung Chen, Shao-Kang Hung Micromachines
2019 Effect of oblique retroreflection from a vibrating mirror on laser Doppler shift 劉義強,Agusanto, K.*, Lau, G.K., Liu, T. and Zhu, C. Applied Optics 9 (SCI)
2019 Reversible Transformation of Hydrophobicity and Hydrophilicity of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays and Buckypapers by Dry processes 陳清榮(2023年退休),Wang, H. Z., Huang, Z. P., Cai, Q., Kulkarni, K., Chen, C. L., Carnahan, D. and Ren, Z. F. Carbon (EI)
2019 Adaptive Chip Cooling Using Electrowetting on Coplanar Control Electrodes 陳清榮(2023年退休),Cheng, J.T. and Chen, C.L. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermalphysical Engineering 14 (EI)
2019 Enhanced water capture induced with electrowetting-on-dielectric approach 陳清榮(2023年退休),Yan, R., McClure, T. S., Jasim, I. H., Koppula, A. K. R., Wang, S., Almasri, M., and Chen, C.L. Applied Physics Letters (EI)