姓名 鄭雲謙
電子郵件 yccheng(at)nycu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55112
職 稱 教授
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55112
辦公室 工程五館465室
個人網站 http://migda.lab.nycu.edu.tw/
個人網站 智慧醫療電子實驗室
實驗室 工程五館241室 (分機:55171),
組別 固力與控制組、微奈米工程組
授課領域 微處理機、電工學、應用電子學、機械實作、醫用電漿與數據分析、Python與機器學習實作入門、生物晶片與生物檢測
研究專長 Plasma medicine, Solid-state high-voltage(kV) high frequency (kHz) plasma circuit design, AI medicine
自述 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24KW3PoBJQU
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
德國 德國國家癌症研究中心-海德堡 / 達姆施塔特工業大學 機械工程學 工學博士 2008.10 ~ 2012.10
中華民國 國立台灣大學 電機工程研究所 碩士 2004.09 ~ 2006.06
中華民國 國立台灣大學 電機工程學系 學士 2000.09 ~ 2004.06
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立陽明交通大學 口腔生物研究所 合聘副教授 2021.08 ~ 2023.07
日本大阪大學 Center for Atomic and Molecular Technology 特任準教授 2021.04 ~ 2023.03
日本東北大學 流體力學研究所 客員準教授 2020.04 ~ 2023.03
國立陽明交通大學 機械系 副教授 2018.08 ~ 迄今
國立交通大學 機械工程學系 助理教授 2013.08 ~ 2018.07
卡爾斯魯厄理工學院 微結構技術研究所 研究助理 2010.12 ~ 2012.06
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2018 利用通用大氣電漿束於增進老鼠傷口癒合之實驗與數值模擬研究 共同主持人 2018.08 ~ 2021.08 行政院科技部
2018 將水霧輔助常壓電漿快速固定蛋白質技術應用於生物晶片製程I,II, III 主持人 2018.08 ~ 2022.07 行政院科技部
2015 非接觸式線上量測路徑規劃系統 鄭雲謙 主持人 2015.09 ~ 2015.12 廠商
2015 使用影像分析與粉塵流體力學分析等技術提升固態粒子合成之高密度胜肽陣列均勻性與良率II 鄭雲謙 主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部
2015 應用電漿促進牙髓幹細胞生長分化與生長蛋白之分析檢測 鄭雲謙 共同主持人 2015.01 ~ 2015.12 科技部
2014 使用影像分析與粉塵流體力學分析等技術提升固態粒子合成之高密度胜肽陣列均勻性與良率 鄭雲謙 主持人 2013.10 ~ 2014.07 科技部
2016 使用多光子交聯在一體成形之三維微流道內固定蛋白質 主持人 1970.01 ~ 迄今 行政院科技部
2019 Plasma tooth bleaching prototype: low-temperature atmospheric-pressure helium plasma jet with saline for tooth bleaching, PI Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2019 Applying Aerosol-assisted DBD atmospheric-pressure plasma to rapidly immobilize protein for biochip and biocoating fabrication II (108-2221-E-009-038-) PI Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2020 Artificial Intelligent Unmanned Vehicle Co-PI,
2020 Safety regulation and test for medical atmospheric-pressure plasma system PI Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2021 Investigating the inhibition mechanism, therapy effect, and side effect of non-thermal atmospheric-plasma generated highly reactive nitrogen/oxygen species and radicals on melanoma and BCC skin cancer (110-2628-E-A49 -006 -)     PI, Excellent Young scholar award Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2022 The Effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Network in the Interpretation of Cytological Images in Endobronchial Ultrasound Procedures Co-PI National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taiwan
2022 The Sterilization Mechanism and Clinical Applications of Low-temperature Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet Co-PI NTD 800,000.
2020 Applying Aerosol-assisted DBD atmospheric-pressure plasma to rapidly immobilize  protein for biochip and biocoating fabrication III (109-2221-E-009-016-MY2) PI Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
2019 Individual effects of plasma-generated electrical field, short-life species, and long-life species on cell (J21I081) Co-PI Tohoku University, Japan
2018 低溫常壓電漿於產生惡性肋膜積水型肺癌細胞之治療研究 主持人 臺灣大學附設醫院竹東分院
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2022 Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Classify Cold Atmospheric-pressure Plasma Jet Discharge Current Jerry Chang, Po-Han Niu, Chin-Wen Chen, Yun-Chien Cheng* IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2022, (SCI Ranking= 24/36=0.66, Physics, IF: 1.268).
2022 Convolutional Neural Network for Early Pulmonary Embolism Detection via Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography Ching-Yuan Yu, Ming-Che Chang, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Chin Kuo* arXiv:2204.03204
2022 Feature-enhanced Adversarial Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation Network for Pulmonary Embolism Annotation Ting-Wei Cheng, Jerry Chang, Ching-Chun Huang, Chin Kuo*, Yun-Chien Cheng* arXiv:2204.04217
2022 Computerized Tomography Pulmonary Angiography Image Simulation using Cycle Generative Adversarial Network from Chest CT imaging in Pulmonary Embolism Patients Chia-Hung Yang, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Chin Kuo* arXiv:2205.08106
2022 Detecting Pulmonary Embolism from Computed Tomography Using Convolutional Neural Network Chia-Hung Yang, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Chin Kuo* arXiv:2206.01344, 2022
2022 Establishing an Equivalent Circuit of a Quasihomogeneous Discharge Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet with a Breakdown-Voltage-Controlled Breaker and Power-Supply Circuit Shih-Sen Huang, Hsing-Che Tsai, Jerry Chang, Po-Chun Huang, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Jong-Shinn Wu* Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, (SCI Ranking=44/155=0.28, ESI Ranking 22/315=0.07, Physics, IF: 3.207)
2022 Large area, rapid, and protein-harmless protein–plasma-polymerized-ethylene coating with aerosol-assisted remote atmospheric-pressure plasma deposition Chu-Hao Yang, Chun-Ping Hsiao, Jerry Chang, Hsin-Yu Lo, and Yun-Chien Cheng* Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, (SCI Ranking=44/155=0.28, ESI Ranking 22/315=0.07, Physics, IF: 3.207)
2022 Using DeepLab v3+ based Semantic Segmentation to Evaluate Platelet Activation Tsung-Chen Kuo, Ting-Wei Cheng, Ching-Kai Lin, Ming-Che Chang, Kuang-Yao Cheng, Yun-Chien Cheng* Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 60:1775–1785, (SCI Ranking= 68/142=0.47, Computer science, interdisciplinary applications, IF: 2.602).
2022 Surface Modification of CaCO3/SiO2 Ceramic Scaffolds by CO2 Laser and Plasma-polymerized Coating Yu-Shen Hsieh, Chao-Yu Chen, Hsin-Yu Lo, Chih-Yang Lin, and Yun-Chien Cheng* IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2022, (SCI Ranking= 24/36=0.66, Physics, IF: 1.268).
2021 Magnetic Targeting Systems for EndoBronchoscope Diagnosis and Intramedullary-Nail Surgery: A Review Chin-Chung Chen, Po-Chen Yeh, Chih-Cheng Cheng, Ching-Kai Lin, Tze-Hong Wong, Yun-Chien Cheng, Wen-Syang Hsu, Tien-Kan Chung* IEEE Sensors Journal (SCI Ranking: 18/64= 0.27, Instruments & Instrumentation, IF: 3.073)
2021 Selective inhibition of melanoma and basal cell carcinoma cells by short-lived species, long-lived species, and electric fields generated from cold plasma Po-Chien Chien, Chao-Yu Chen, Yun-Chien Cheng* Journal of Applied Physics, 129, 163302 (SCI Ranking: 59/148=0.39, Physics Applied, Impact Factor: 2.328)
2021 電漿醫學原理與應用(Principle and applications of plasma medicine) Tzu-Yin Chen, Yun-Chien Cheng* 科儀新知 (Instruments Today)
2021 Plasma Medicine, Applying the Antique Ionizing Technique to Ignite the Light of Human Health  Yun-Chien Cheng* Journal of the Institute of Electrostatics Japan, 45, 3
2021 The interpretation of endobronchial ultrasound image using 3D convolutional neural network for differentiating malignant and benign mediastinal lesions Ching-Kai Lin, Shao-Hua Wu, Jerry Chang, Yun-Chien Cheng* arXiv, 2021, 2107.13820v1
2021 Effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Networks in the Interpretation of Pulmonary Cytologic Images in Endobronchial Ultrasound Procedures Ching-Kai Lin, Jerry Chang, Ching-Chun Huang, Yueh-Feng Wen, Chao-Chi Ho, Yun-Chien Cheng* Cancer Medicine(SCI Ranking: 112/310=0.36, Oncology, Impact Factor: 4.452)
2020 Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical and Hydrogen Peroxide Generated in Helium-Based Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet and in Different Solutions Treated by Plasma for Bioapplications Tsung-Wen Chen, Chih-Tung Liu, Chao-Yu Chen, Mu-Chien Wu, Po-Chien Chien, Yun-Chien Cheng* ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 9 115002,(SCI Ranking=78/148=0.52, Physics, IF: 1.795)
2020 Protein Crosslinking and Immobilization in 3D Microfluidics through Multiphoton Absorption Chen-Feng Lin, Che-Fu Su, Kung-Hsuan Lin, Yu-Shen Hsieh, Yun-Chien Cheng* ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9, 115013 (SCI Ranking=78/148=0.52, Physics, IF: 1.795), most read article
2020 Plasma-activated medium as adjuvant therapy for lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion Yi-Jing Cheng, Ching-Kai Lin, Chao-Yu Chen, Po-Chien Chien, Ho-Hsien Chuan, Chao-Chi Ho and Yun-Chien Cheng* Scientific Reports, 10, 18154, (SCI Ranking = 19/128=0.148, Multidisciplinary science, IF: 4.576)
2019 Passive Magnetic-Flux-Concentrator Based Electromagnetic Targeting System for Endobronchoscopy Chin-Chung Chen, Ching-Kai Lin, Chen-Wei Chang, Yun-Chien Cheng, Jia-En Chen, Sung-Lin Tsai, Tien-Kan Chung* Sensors (SCI Ranking 15/64= 0.23, Instruments, IF: 3.302)
2018 Enhancing Adhesion and Polymerization of Lipase-plasma-polymerized-ethylene Coatings Deposited with Planar Dielectric-barrier-discharge-type Aerosol-assisted Atmospheric-pressure Plasma System Yun-Chien Cheng, Chun-Ping Hsiao, Yung-Hsin Liu, Chu-Hao Yang, Chun-Yi Chiang, Yi-Wei Yang, Jong-Shinn Wu* Plasma Processes and Polymers, e1700173, (SCI Ranking  4/31=0.129, IF:2.713)
2018 Using Micro-Molding and Stamping to Fabricate Conductive Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Flexible High-Sensitivity Strain Gauges Chi-Jui Han, Hsuan-Ping Chiang and Yun-Chien Cheng* Sensors, 18, 618. (SCI, 16/61=0.26, Instruments, IF:2.475 )
2018 Enhancing the Microparticle Deposition Stability and Homogeneity on Planer for Synthesis of Self-assembly Monolayer An-Ci Shih, Chi-Jui Han, Tsung-Cheng Kuo, and Yun-Chien Cheng* Nanomaterials, Feb., 2018, 14;8(3), (SCI, 59/275=0.21, IF:4.1)
2018 Using Aerosol-Assisted Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma to Embed Proteins onto a Substrate in One Step for Biosensor Fabrication Yung-Hsin Liu, Chu-Hao Yang, Tsung-Rong Lin, Yun-Chien Cheng* Plasma Processes and Polymers (SCI Ranking 4/31=0.129, IF:2.713). Highlighted by WILEY-VHC publisher’s website Advanced Science News
2018 Synergistic effects of plasma-activated medium and chemotherapeutic drugs in cancer treatment Chao-Yu Chen, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Yi-Jing Cheng Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 13LT01, (SCI Ranking=31/145, ESI Ranking 22/315=0.07, Physics, IF: 2.588), Invited submission by journal editor
2017 Tooth Bleaching by Using a Helium-based Low-Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet with Saline Solution Yun-Chien Cheng, Chia-Hua Wu, Chih-Tung Liu, Chia-Yung Lin, Hsuang-Ping Chiang, Tsung-Wen Chen, Chao-Yu Chen, Jong-Shinn Wu* Plasma Processes and Polymers, (SCI Ranking 5/30, IF:2.713) Highlighted by WILEY-VHC publisher’s website Advanced Science News
2016 Aerosol-Assisted Plasma Deposition of Biocomposite Coatings: Investigation of Processing Conditions on Coating Properties Chun-Ping Hsiao, Cheng-Chen Wu, Yung-Hsin Liu, Yi-Wei Yang, Yun-Chien Cheng, Fabio Palumbo, Giuseppe Camporeale, Pietro Favia, and Jong-Shinn Wu* IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science and Technology, VOL. 44, NO. 12, pp 3091-3098, (SCI Ranking 24/30, IF:0.958)
2013 Printing Peptide Arrays with a Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Chip F. Löffler, Y. Cheng, B. Muenster, J. Striffler, F. Liu, F. B. Ralf, E. Dörsam*, F. Breitling*, A. Nesterov-Mueller* Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology, 137, 1-23. (SCI Ranking 56/165, IF:2.6)
2011 Alternative setups for automated peptide synthesis F. Breitling, F. Löffler, C. Schirwitz, Y. Cheng, F. Märkle, K. König, T. Felgenhauer, E. Dörsam, F. R. Bischoff, A. Nesterov Mini Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 8, 121-131, (SCI, IF: 2.284)
2010 Characterization of triboelectrically charged particles A. Nesterov, F. Löffler, Y. Cheng, G. Torralba, K. König, M. Hausmann, V. Lindenstruth, V. Stadler, F. R. Bischoff and F. Breitling Journal of Physics D, 43, 1-6, (SCI Ranking 32/118, IF: 2.109)
2010 Chip printer Y. Cheng, F. Löffler, K. König, A. Nesterov, E. Dörsam, F. Breitling Advanced Research in Physics and Engineering, 19-22 (ISSN:1790-5117)
2010 Peptide arrays with a chip A. Nesterov, E. Dörsam, Y. Cheng, C. Schirwitz, F. Märkle, F. Löffler, K. König, V. Stadler, F. R. Bischoff, F. Breitling Methods in Molecular Biology, 669, 109-124
實驗室名稱 位置
智慧醫療電子實驗室 工程五館241室