年度 2022
全部作者 鄭雲謙,Shih-Sen Huang, Hsing-Che Tsai, Jerry Chang, Po-Chun Huang, Yun-Chien Cheng*, Jong-Shinn Wu*
論文名稱 Establishing an Equivalent Circuit of a Quasihomogeneous Discharge Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet with a Breakdown-Voltage-Controlled Breaker and Power-Supply Circuit
期刊名稱 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, (SCI Ranking=44/155=0.28, ESI Ranking 22/315=0.07, Physics, IF: 3.207)
語言 英文
參考連結 http:// https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac4b57