姓名 傅本然
電子郵件 brfu@nycu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55130
職 稱 副教授
實驗室 工程五館343室 (分機:55189),多相流熱傳實驗室
組別 能源與熱流組
授課領域 熱力學、流體力學、熱傳學、沸騰熱傳與雙相流
研究專長 沸騰熱傳與雙相流、超臨界與超高溫熱傳、微流道熱沉與蒸發器應用、低溫熱能發電技術、能源分析與應用
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
台灣 國立清華大學 工程與系統科學系 博士 2005.09 ~ 2010.09
台灣 國立清華大學 工程與系統科學系 碩士 2003.09 ~ 2005.07
台灣 國立成功大學 化學工程學系 學士 1996.09 ~ 2000.06
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立陽明交通大學 機械工程學系 副教授 2025.02 ~ 迄今
工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所 合聘資深研究員(技術總監) 2024.02 ~ 迄今
國立陽明交通大學 機械工程學系 助理教授 2022.08 ~ 2025.01
明志科技大學 機械工程系 副教授 2019.08 ~ 2022.07
明志科技大學 機械工程系 助理教授 2016.08 ~ 2019.07
國立清華大學 工程與系統科學系 博士後研究員 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所 研究員 2013.04 ~ 2015.07
國立清華大學 工程與系統科學系 博士後研究員 2010.10 ~ 2013.04
30本國際期刊審稿80+次 RSER, IJHMT, ICHMT, ATE, CSITE, ASME JHT, ETFS, IJTS, EHT, HTE, IJHFF, IJR, MST, IJGE, Energy Efficiency, etc. Reviewer 2010.09 ~ 迄今
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2025 突破式國防先進科技研究計畫「高溫熱防護材料熱衝循環數值模擬分析與驗證技術開發(4/4)」 共同主持人(子計畫二) 2025.01 ~ 2025.12 國家中山科學研究院
2025 基礎型國防先進科技研究計畫「應用於熱防護材料系統低密度耐燒蝕隔熱材開發研究(2/3)」 共同主持人 2025.01 ~ 2025.12 國家中山科學研究院
2024 離岸風力發電系統中海纜熱傳特性之數值模擬研究 主持人 2024.08 ~ 2025.07 國科會
2024 基礎型國防先進科技研究計畫「應用於熱防護材料系統低密度耐燒蝕隔熱材開發研究(1/3)」 共同主持人 2024.01 ~ 2024.12 國家中山科學研究院
2024 突破式國防先進科技研究計畫「極超音速環境高溫熱防護材料熱衝循環數值模擬分析與驗證技術開發(3/4)」 共同主持人(子計畫二) 2024.01 ~ 2024.12 國家中山科學研究院
2023 海纜熱傳導分析評估 主持人 2023.05 ~ 2023.11 工業技術研究院
2023 熱流量測系統設計與分析 主持人 2023.04 ~ 2023.07 森統科技有限公司
2023 空調系統測試(含離子液體熱交換器的熱質傳能力分析) 主持人 2023.03 ~ 2023.11 工業技術研究院
2023 突破式國防先進科技研究計畫「極超音速環境高溫熱防護材料熱衝循環數值模擬分析與驗證技術開發(2/4)」 共同主持人(子計畫二) 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 國家中山科學研究院
2021 110年度明志科技大學創新教學計畫 主持人 2021.03 ~ 2021.11 教育部
2020 多重金屬棒管束在不同冷卻液中的淬冷特性探討 主持人 2020.08 ~ 2023.01 國科會
2019 108年度明志科技大學創新教學計畫 主持人 2019.03 ~ 2019.12 教育部
2018 R134a穿臨界ORC機組委託測試與分析 主持人 2018.04 ~ 2018.11 工業技術研究院
2017 超臨界二氧化碳在微流道中熱傳與壓降特性的研究 共同主持人 2017.08 ~ 2020.07 國科會
2017 106年度技專校院教學創新先導計畫 分項主持人 2017.06 ~ 2018.03 教育部
2016 適用於穿臨界有機朗肯循環之工作流體在超臨界狀態下的熱傳與壓降特性探討 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2019.09 國科會
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2024 Thermoeconomic analysis of a novel cogeneration system for cascade recovery of waste heat from exhaust flue gases B.R. Fu, J.C. Hsieh*, S.M. Cheng, M.A. Royandi Applied Thermal Engineering
2024 Supercritical heat transfer of Novec 649 refrigerant in a minichannel with various inclination angles: Horizontal to vertically downward flows B.R. Fu*, C.Y. Liu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
2024 Development of the Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 glass for thermal barrier coating J.Y. Qiu*, R. Montecillo, P.Y. Chen, C.S. Tu, C.S. Chen, B.R. Fu, K.C. Feng* Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
2024 Effectiveness of a protective barrier for aerosol transmission control during oxygen therapy with different devices H.M. Chang, B.R. Fu*, H.W. Yu, F.T. Chung, C.J. Seak, Y.C. Chen, S.C. Hu* Aerosol and Air Quality Research
2021 Convective heat transfer characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide in vertical miniature tubes of a uniform heating experimental system L. Wang, Y.C. Pan, J.D. Lee*, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2020 Experimental investigation in the pressure drop characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide in the uniformly heated horizontal miniature tubes L. Wang, Y.C. Pan, J.D. Lee*, Y. Wang, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* Journal of Supercritical Fluids
2020 Energy savings approaches for high-tech manufacturing factories S.C. Hu, T. Lin, S.H. Huang, B.R. Fu*, M.H. Hu Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
2020 Experimental investigation in the local heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide in the uniformly heated horizontal miniature tubes L. Wang, Y.C. Pan, J.D. Lee*, Y. Wang, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2020 Supercritical heat transfer of NOVEC 649 refrigerant in horizontal minichannels B.R. Fu*, W.J. Lin International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
2019 Quantification of gas-assisted evaporation in minichannels with negative wall superheats H.Y. Wu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2019 Quench of molten copper and eutectic mixture in natural seawater Y.Y. Chang, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2019 Analysis of energy efficiency improvement of high-tech fabrication plants S.C. Hu, T. Lin, B.R. Fu*, C.K. Chang, I.Y. Cheng International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies
2018 Gas-assisted evaporation and boiling in minichannels B.R. Fu, Y.C. Chen, M.X. Ho, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2018 Moisture prevention in a pre-purged front-opening unified pod (FOUP) during door opening in a mini-environment T. Lin, B.R. Fu*, S.C. Hu*, Y.H. Tang IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing
2018 Humidity control for front opening unified pod after opening its door in a mini-environment S.C. Hu, Z.W. Li, T. Lin, B.R. Fu* Applied Sciences
2017 Design and preliminary results of a 20-kW transcritical organic Rankine cycle with a screw expander for low-grade waste heat recovery J.C. Hsieh*, B.R. Fu, T.W. Wang, Y. Cheng, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Chang Applied Thermal Engineering
2017 Numerical study on an airflow field of a reticle stocker with a moving crane in a mini-environment S.S. Chu, B.R. Fu*, S.C. Hu*, S.J. Jhou Atmosphere
2017 Air curtain application in a purged unified pod S.C. Hu, T. Lin, B.R. Fu*, T.Y. Wang Applied Thermal Engineering
2017 Critical heat flux enhancement of HFE-7100 flow boiling in a minichannel heat sink with saw-tooth structures B.R. Fu, S.Y. Chung, W.R. Lin, L. Wang, Chin Pan* Advances in Mechanical Engineering
2017 Assessment of the SEMI energy conversion factor and its application for semiconductor and LCD fabs S.C. Hu, Y.W. Tsai, B.R. Fu*, C.K. Chang Applied Thermal Engineering
2016 Quenching characteristics of a continuously-heated rod in natural sea water B.R. Fu, Y.H. Ho, M.X. Ho, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2016 Experimental study on the moisture removal of a 450-mm FOUP during the purge or vacuum process S.C. Hu*, Z.Y. Huang, B.R. Fu* Applied Thermal Engineering
2016 Various energy-saving approaches to a TFT-LCD panel fab C.K. Chang, T. Lin, S.C. Hu*, B.R. Fu*, J.S. Hsu Sustainability
2016 A flow rate control approach on off-design analysis of an organic Rankine cycle system B.R. Fu* Energies
2016 Real-time monitoring of a micro reformer integrated with a microchannel heat exchanger by infrared thermography and high-speed flow images B.R. Fu, Y.C. Ting, C.F. Lee, Y.J. Huang, Y.C. Su, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan* International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
2016 Experimental investigation of a 250-kW turbine organic Rankine cycle system for low-grade waste heat recovery B.R. Fu*, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Hsieh International Journal of Green Energy
2015 Design, construction, and preliminary results of a 250-kW organic Rankine cycle system B.R. Fu*, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Hsieh Applied Thermal Engineering
2014 Dynamic response of a 50 kW organic Rankine cycle system in association with evaporators Y.R. Lee, C.R. Kuo, C.H. Liu, B.R. Fu, J.C. Hsieh, C.C. Wang* Energies
2014 Performance of a 250 kW organic Rankine cycle system for off-design heat source conditions B.R. Fu*, S.W. Hsu, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Hsieh, C.M. Chang, C.H. Liu Energies
2014 Effect of off-design heat source temperature on heat transfer characteristics and system performance of a 250-kW organic Rankine cycle system B.R. Fu*, S.W. Hsu, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Hsieh, C.M. Chang, C.H. Liu Applied Thermal Engineering
2014 Statistical analysis of patent data relating to the organic Rankine cycle B.R. Fu*, S.W. Hsu, C.H. Liu, Y.C. Liu Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2013 Boiling heat transfer of co- and counter-current microchannel heat exchangers with gas heating T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2013 The effect of aspect ratio on flow boiling heat transfer of HFE-7100 in a microchannel heat sink B.R. Fu, C.Y. Lee, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2013 Flow-pattern-based correlations for pressure drop during flow boiling of ethanol–water mixtures in a microchannel B.R. Fu, M.S. Tsou, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2013 Two-phase flow and heat transfer during steam condensation in a converging microchannel with different convergence angles B.R. Fu, T.H. Chang, Chin Pan* Advances in Mechanical Engineering
2013 Liquid–liquid mixtures flow in microchannels B.R. Fu* Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
2012 Flow pattern maps and transition criteria for flow boiling of binary mixtures in a diverging microchannel B.R. Fu, P.H. Lin, M.S. Tsou, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2012 Boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux of ethanol–water mixtures flowing through a diverging microchannel with artificial cavities B.R. Fu, M.S. Tsou, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2012 Boiling two-phase flow and efficiency of co- and counter-current microchannel heat exchangers with gas heating T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2011 Critical heat flux on flow boiling of methanol–water mixtures in a diverging microchannel with artificial cavities P.H. Lin, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Simple channel geometry for enhancement of chemical reactions in microchannels B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
2009 Bubble growth with chemical reactions in microchannels B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2007 Two-phase flow in converging and diverging microchannels with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactions B.R. Fu, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2005 Flow pattern transition instability in a microchannel with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactions B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點
2019 Acceleration effect on supercritical heat transfer of NOVEC 649 in an inclined miniature tube C.Y. Liu, B.R. Fu* International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2019 Sapporo, Japan
2019 Integration and application of the fab energy simulation (FES) tool and energy conversion factors (ECF) for high-tech factories T. Lin, S.H. Huang, B.R. Fu*, M.H. Hu, S.C. Hu International Conference on Applied Energy 2019 Västerås, Sweden
2018 Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer of supercritical NOVEC 649 in a horizontal miniature tube W.J. Lin, B.R. Fu*, Chin Pan* 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids France
2018 Development of an analysis tool to improve the energy consumption efficiency of high-tech fabs T. Lin, S.C. Hu*, B.R. Fu, C.K. Chang, I.Y. Cheng, D. Benalcazar 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Sapporo, Japan
2018 Supercritical heat transfer characteristics of NOVEC 649 in a minichannel W.J. Lin, B.R. Fu* 2018 Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science Tokyo, Japan
2018 Design and construction of 30-kW R134a transcritical organic Rankine cycle system for low-grade waste heat recovery J.H. Liao, L.F. Tsai, Y. Cheng, B.R. Fu* International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology Singapore
2017 Energy-saving assessment for high-tech fabs: An “FES” application B.R. Fu*, T. Lin, C.K. Chang, S.C. Hu*, I.Y. Cheng 2017 Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science Okinawa, Japan
2017 Performance analysis of a transcritical organic Rankine cycle using NOVEC 649 as working fluid W.J. Lin, B.R. Fu* 2017 Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science Okinawa, Japan
2016 Effects of inlet structure and localized heating on the performance of a micro methanol evaporator M.H. Tu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference Hawaii, USA
2015 A 250-kW organic Rankine cycle system for low-grade waste heat recovery: Construction and preliminary results B.R. Fu*, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Hsieh 10th International Green Energy Conference Taichung, Taiwan
2015 A comprehensive review on experimental studies of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and progress results of a 250-kW turbine ORC system B.R. Fu*, Y.R. Lee 2015 International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Performance of a 250 kW organic Rankine cycle system for off-design heat source conditions B.R. Fu*, C.H. Liu 1st International e-Conference on Energies Electronic Conference Series
2014 Response of a 50 kW organic Rankine cycle system subject to influence of evaporators Y.R. Lee, C.R. Kuo, C.H. Liu, B.R. Fu, C.C. Wang* 6th International Conference of Applied Energy Taipei, Taiwan
2014 Effect of the heat source temperature on heat transfer characteristics of a preheater and system performance of a 250-kW level organic Rankine cycle system B.R. Fu*, C.H. Liu International Conference of Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Tokyo, Japan
2014 Analytical study on performance of a 250-kW organic Rankine cycle system under off-design heat source temperatures by the flow rate control approach, B.R. Fu* 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation Kenting, Taiwan
2013 Forced two-phase flow loop with microchannel evaporator and condenser: Preliminary results T.R. Wu, B.R. Fu, T.L. Liu, Chin Pan* International Conference on Multiphase Flow 2013 Jeju, Korea
2012 The effect of aspect ratio on flow boiling heat transfer of HFE-7100 in a microchannel heat sink C.Y. Lee, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 8th ECI International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer Lausanne, Switzerland
2012 Experimental investigation on gas-to-gas microchannel heat exchangers J. Lee, W.L. Huang, T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems Zhubei, Taiwan
2012 An investigation of heat transfer on cross-flow microchannel heat exchanger with gas heating W.L. Huang, T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems Zhubei, Taiwan
2012 Two-phase flow and heat transfer during steam condensation in a converging microchannel T.H. Chang, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 8th International Symposium on Heat Transfer Beijing, China
2012 Boiling heat transfer and efficiency for a cross-flow microchannel heat exchanger with gas heating W.L. Huang, T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena Auckland, New Zealand
2011 Critical heat flux on flow boiling of ethanol–water mixtures in a diverging microchannel with artificial cavities M.S. Tsou, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Pointe Aux Piments, Mauritius
2008 Growth and interactions of bubbles generated from chemical reactions in microchannels B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena Reykjavik, Iceland
2005 Two-phase flow patterns in converging or diverging microchannels with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactions B.R. Fu, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan* 3rd International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels Toronto, Canada
專利名稱 著作人 專利編號 專利國別
Heat exchanger with recuperating and condensing functions and heat cycle system and method using the same B.R. Fu, C.R. Kuo, S.W. Hsu CN104420902B China
Heat exchanger with recuperating and condensing functions and heat cycle system and method using the same B.R. Fu, C.R. Kuo, S.W. Hsu I532910 Taiwan
年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位 類別
2024 最佳論文獎第五名:第33屆國防科技學術研討會(機械/機電/能源及航太領域) 國防大學 校外榮譽
2024 113學年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資 國立陽明交通大學 校內榮譽
2023 最佳論文獎佳作:第32屆國防科技學術研討會(機械/機電/能源及航太領域) 國防大學 校外榮譽
2023 112學年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資 國立陽明交通大學 校內榮譽
2020 優秀論文獎:第二十五屆車輛工程學術研討會 中華民國自動機工程學會 校外榮譽
2018 大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才(科技部) 明志科技大學 校外榮譽
2017 論文競賽佳作:中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會 中國機械工程學會 校外榮譽
2017 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Applied Thermal Engineering 校外榮譽
2016 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 校外榮譽
2016 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 校外榮譽
2014 斐陶斐榮譽會員 國立清華大學 校外榮譽
2013 專利地圖分析與佈局競賽:全院年度冠軍 工業技術研究院 校外榮譽
2005 博士班入學校長獎學金:最高級別 國立清華大學 校外榮譽
2003 碩士班入學獎學金:熱流與能源組第一名 國立清華大學 校外榮譽