姓名 劉義強
電子郵件 mgklau(at)nycu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55107
職 稱 教授
聯絡電話 886-3-5712121 Ext.55107
辦公室 工程五館463室
個人網站 https://sites.google.com/view/mgklaulab/home
個人網站 仿生機器人實驗室
實驗室 工程五館428室 (分機:55197),仿生機器人實驗室
組別 固力與控制組
授課領域 工程力學,動力學,振動,多學科應用的有限元方法,受生物啟發的軟機器人
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位
荷蘭 Delft University of Technology 機械工程 博士
新加坡 南洋理工大學 機械工程 碩士
新加坡 南洋理工大學 機械工程 學士
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立交通大學 機械工程系 副教授 2019.02 ~ 迄今
南洋理工大學 機械與航天工程學院 助理教授 2008.02 ~ 2019.02
代爾夫特理工大學 機械,海事與材料工程學院, 精密微系統工程系 2004.01 ~ 2007.12
年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
2019 用於軟機器人的介電彈性體肌肉 計畫主持人 2019.09 ~ 2022.08
2019 機器蜻蜓 計畫主持人 2019.06 ~ 2019.12
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2020 A stunt flying hawk-inspired drone Lau, G.-K. Science robotics 47
2020 Efficient flapping wing drone arrests high-speed flight using post-stall soaring Chin, Y.-W., Kok, J.-M., Zhu, Y.-Q., Chan, W.-L., Chahl, J. S., Khoo, B. C., Lau, G.-K. Science Robotics 44
2020 Radial and tangential velocity effects of a probed scanning mirror on laser Doppler frequency shift Agusanto, K.; Lau, G.-K., Liu, T., Zhu, C.G. Applied Optics 12
2019 Effect of oblique retroreflection from a vibrating mirror on laser Doppler shift Agusanto, K.*, Lau, G.K., Liu, T. and Zhu, C. Applied Optics 9
2018 Spring-assisted motorized transmission for efficient hover by four flapping wings Chin, Y.W.*, Ang, Z., Luo, Y., Chan, W.L., Chahl, J.S. and Lau, G.K. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 6
2018 Smart Window Based on Electric Unfolding of Microwrinkled TiO2 Nanometric Films Shrestha Milan, Anand Asundi, Lau Gih-Keong ACS Photonics 8
2018 Transparent tunable acoustic absorber membrane using inkjet printed PEDOT: PSS thin-film compliant electrodes Milan Shrestha, Zhenbo Lu, Gih-Keong Lau ACS applied materials & interfaces 46
2018 Event-triggered control for a saturated nonlinear system with prescribed performance and finite-time convergence Zheng Z, Lau G-K, Xie L International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17
2017 Theoretical and Practical Investigation into the Use of a Bio-Inspired ‘‘Click’’ Mechanism for the Flight Motor of an MAV Tang, B., Meng, X, Zhang, F, Brennan, M.J. Lau, G. K., Wang, Z., Feng, L., International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 2
2017 Dielectric elastomer fingers with strength for nimble pinching Lau G.K., Heng, K.M.*, Ahmed, A.*, Shrestha M Applied Physical Letters 19
2017 Electrically tunable and broader-band sound absorption by using micro-perforated dielectric elastomer actuator Lu, Z.B., Shrestha, M.*, Lau, G.K. Applied Physical Letters 18
2017 Ink-jet printing of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) Lau G-K, Shrestha, M. Micromachines 6
2016 Inhibiting electro-thermal breakdown of acrylic dielectric elastomer actuators by dielectric gel coating La, T. G.*, and Lau, G. K. Applied Physics Letters 1
2016 The effect of asymmetrical flapping on the aerodynamic efficiency of insect-inspired MAVs Kok JM, Lau GK, Chahl J Journal of Aircraft 3
2016 Electro-thermally activated rotary micro-positioner for slider-level dual-stage positioning in hard disk drives Lau G-K, Yang J, Tan CP, Chong N-B Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
2016 Tunable window device based on micro-wrinkling of nanometric zinc-oxide thin film on elastomer. Shrestha, M.* and Lau G. K. Optics Letters 19
2016 Stronger multilayer acrylic dielectric elastomer actuators with silicone gel coatings. Lau, G.K., La, T.G*., Foong, E. S.W.*, Shrestha, M.* Smart Mater. Struct.
2015 Large axial actuation of pre-stretched tubular dielectric elastomer and use of oil encapsulation to enhance dielectric breakdown strength Lau, G.K., Tan, D.D.T*, La, T.G*. Smart Materials and Structures 4
2015 Microscopically Crumpled Indium-Tin-Oxide Thin Films as Compliant Electrodes with Tunable Transmittance Ong, H.-Y.*, Shrestha, M.*, and Lau, G.K. Applied Physics Letters 13
2014 Lightweight mechanical amplifiers for rolled dielectric elastomer actuators and their integration with bio-inspired wing flappers Lau GK, Lim HT*, Teo JY*, Chin YW* Smart Structures and Materials,
2014 Can DC motors directly drive flapping wings at high frequency and large wing strokes Campolo D, Azhar M, Lau G K, Sitti M IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
2014 Muscle-like high-stress dielectric elastomer actuators with oil capsules La, T. G*., Lau, G. K., Shiau, L. L.*, & Tan, A. W. Y.* Smart Materials and Structure 10
2014 Dipteran-insect-inspired thoracic mechanism with nonlinear stiffness to save inertial power of flapping-wing flight Lau, G. K., Chin, Y. W.*, Goh, J. W.*, & Wood, R. J. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 5
2014 Bi-axially crumpled silver thin-film electrodes for dielectric elastomer actuators Low, S. H*., & Lau, G. K. Smart Materials and Structures 12
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點
出版日期 書名 全部作者 部份章節 出版社 ISSN(ISBN)
Micro-electro-mechanical actuators using confined polymers Lau G-K Delft University of Technology 978-90-9022531-9
發表日期 專利名稱 著作人 專利編號 專利國別
2017/09/07 MEMS device for lens barrel positioning Chong, N. B., Lim, C. Y., Chen, Z., Lau, G.K., Zhu, C.G. US20170254978A1 US
2008/03/05 Thermische actuator Lau, G.-K., Chu, D. T., Goosen, J. F. L., van Keulen, A., Sarro, P. M.,  NL2000209 Netherlands
年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位 類別
2019 校內榮譽
2019 2019 Junior Chair Professor Award National Chiao Tung University 校內榮譽
2017 2017 MAE Service Award School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 校內榮譽
2015 校內榮譽
2006 2006 Best poster award The 17th Workshop on Micromechanics Europe (MME06) 校外榮譽
2005 校外榮譽
1998 校內榮譽
1996 校外榮譽