姓名 張存均
電子郵件 changtc(at)nycu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 03-5712121 #55131
職 稱 助理教授
組別 太空系統工程組
研究專長 航太量子磁感測技術, 自旋電子與自旋波, 薄膜及奈米元件製程, 高速火焰建模與熱防護材料測試, 電漿風洞測試與極超音速流場計算模擬
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
台灣 國立交通大學 材料科學與工程學系 博士 2007.09 ~ 2012.12
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
國立交通大學 太空系統工程研究所 助理教授 2025.02 ~ 迄今
工業技術研究院 機械與機電系統研究所 研究員 2020.11 ~ 2025.02
美國德州大學奧斯丁分校 物理系 研究員 2017.10 ~ 2020.11
中央研究院 物理所 博士後研究員 2013.01 ~ 2017.10
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數
2025 High-sensitivity magnetoresistive sensor with optimized orthogonal exchange bias for low-field measurement Yi Yang, Suvechhya Lamichhane, Chun-Yen Chen, Andrei Sokolov, Xiaolu Yin, Yen-Fu Liu, Jhen-Yong Hong, Liang-Juan Chang, Sy-Hwang Liou IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
2022 Magnons and magnetic fluctuations in atomically thin MnBi2Te4 David Lujan, Jeongheon Choe, Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Zhipeng Ye, Aritz Leonardo, T Nathan Nunley, Liang-Juan Chang, Shang-Fan Lee, Jiaqiang Yan, Gregory A Fiete, Rui He, Xiaoqin Li Nature communications
2022 Quantifying spin Hall topological Hall effect in ultrathin Tm3Fe5O12/Pt bilayers

T Nathan Nunley, Side Guo, Liang-Juan Chang, David Lujan, Jeongheon Choe, Shang-Fan Lee, Fengyuan Yang, Xiaoqin Li

Physical Review B
2022 Simulation on spin wave transmission and domain wall dynamics in a permalloy nanostrip

Ravish K Jain, Li-Zai Tsai, Bo-Chien Huang, Liang-Juan Chang, Jun-Zhi Liang, Yu-Hui Tang, Shang-Fan Lee

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
2021 Irradiation Effects on Perpendicular Anisotropy Spin Orbit Torque Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Mahshid Alamdar, Liang-Juan Chang, Karalee Jarvis, Paul Kotula, Can Cui, Raluca Gearba-Dolocan, Yihan Liu, Enrique Antunano, Jack E Manuel, Gyorgy Vizkelethy, Lin Xue, Robin Jacobs-Gedrim, Christopher H Bennett, T Patrick Xiao, David Hughart, Edward Bielejec, Matthew J Marinella, Jean Anne C Incorvia IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
2021 Electron-Phonon and Spin-Lattice Coupling in Atomically Thin Layers of MnBi2Te4 Choe Jeongheon, Lujan David, Rodriguez-Vega Martin, Ye, Zhipeng, Leonardo Liceranzu Aritz, Quan Jiamin, Nunley T Nathan, Chang Liang-Juan, Lee Shang-Fan, Yan Jiaqiang, Fiete Gregory, He Rui, Li Xiaoqin Nano Letters
2020 Thermal effect in Pt/YIG heterostructure induced by direct microwave power injection Yu-Chi Liu, Chi-Nan Wu, Liang-Juan Chang, Yu-Ting Fanchiang, Chun-Chih Tseng, Minghwei Hong, Shang-Fan Lee and Jueinai Kwo J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.
2020 Spin Wave Injection and Propagation in a Magnetic Nanochannel from a Vortex Core Liang-Juan Chang, Jilei Chen, Danru Qu, Li-Zai Tsai, Yen-Fu Liu, Ming-Yi Kao, Jun-Zhi Liang, Tsuei-Shin Wu, Tien-Ming Chuang, Haiming Yu, Shang-Fan Lee Nano Letters
2019 Field-free spin-orbit torque switching through domain wall motion Neil Murray, Wei-Bang Liao, Ting-Chien Wang, Liang-Juan Chang, Li-Zai Tsai, Tsung-Yu Tsai, Shang-Fan Lee, and Chi-Feng Pai Physical Review B
2018 Ferromagnetic domain walls as spin wave filters and the interplay between domain walls and spin waves Liang-Juan Chang, Yen-Fu Liu, Ming-Yi Kao, Li-Zai Tsai, Jun-Zhi Liang &Shang-Fan Lee Scientific Reports
2017 Voltage-induced Interface Reconstruction and Electrical Instability of the Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Device Shu-Jui Chang, Po-Chun Chang, Wen-Chin Lin, Shao-Hua Lo, Liang-Chun Chang, Shan-Fang Lee, and Yuan-Chieh Tseng Scientific Reports
2015 Spin chemical potential bias induced surface current evidenced by spin pumping into the topological insulator Bi2Te3 Faris Basheer Abdulahad, Jin-Han Lin, Yung Liou, Wen-Kai Chiu, Liang-Juan Chang, Ming-Yi Kao, Jun-Zhi Liang, Dung-Shing Hung, and Shang-Fan Lee Physical Review B
2012 Vortex-Induced by DC Current in a Circular Magnetic Spin Valve Nanopillar L. J. Chang, Pang Lin, and Shang Fan Lee IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
2012 Current induced localized domain wall oscillators in NiFe/Cu/NiFe submicron wires L. J. Chang, Pang Lin, and S. F. Lee Applied Physics Letters
2011 Magnetization reversal processes of epitaxial Fe3Si films on GaAs (001) Y. C. Liu, P. Chang, S. Y. Huang, L. J. Chang, W. C. Lin, S. F. Lee, M. Hong, and J. Kwo Journal of Applied Physics
2011 Magnetic Interaction in Domain Wall Depinning at Square Notch and Antinotch Traps L. J. Chang, Y.D. Yao, Pang Lin, and Shang Fan Lee IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
2010 Magnetization Reversal Characteristics in NiFe Elliptical Ring Arrays Chang, LJ, Chen, KY, Lin, LK; Yao, YD; Lin, P; Lee, SF IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
2010 Demonstration of edge roughness effect on the magnetization reversal of spinvalve submicron wires T. W. Chiang, L. J. Chang, C. Yu, S. Y. Huang, D. C. Chen, Y. D. Yao, and S. F. Lee Applied Physics Letters
2008 Magnetic interaction in nanometer line width elliptical ring arrays L. J. Chang, C. Yu, T. W. Chiang, K. W. Cheng, W. T. Chiu, S. F. Lee, Y. Liou, and Y. D. Yao Journal of Applied Physics
2007 Influence of IrMn exchange bias layer on the magnetic properties of half-ring NiFe micron structures L. J. Chang, A. L. Chen, K. W. Cheng, C. Yu, S. F. Lee, Y. Liou, and Y. D. Yao Journal of Applied Physics
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點
2025 Multi-Axial Magnetic Sensing Using Co/Pt Double-Hall Superlattice SOT Structure: Experimental and Simulation Y. Huang, A. Fathy, L. Chang and Y. Tseng 16th Joint Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and Intermag New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
2025 Temperature-Dependent Performance of Magnetoresistive Sensors with Linear Response Across a Wide Field Range Suvechhya Lamichhane, Chun-Yen Chen, Andrei Sokolov, Xiaolu Yin, Yen-Fu Liu, Jhen-Yong Hong, Liang-Juan Chang and Sy-Hwang Liou 16th Joint Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and Intermag New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
2025 High-sensitivity magnetoresistive sensor with optimized orthogonal exchange bias for low-field measurement Yi Yang, Suvechhya Lamichhane, Chun-Yen Chen, Andrei Sokolov, Xiaolu Yin, Yen-Fu Liu, Jhen-Yong Hong, Liang-Juan Chang, and Sy-Hwang Liou 16th Joint Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and Intermag New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
2024 Large spin orbital effective field SOF in NiFe/IrMn bilayers Liang Juan Chang, Ya Chi Ho, Yung Jen Cheng, Shang Fan Lee 22nd International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024) Bologna, Italy
2023 Visualization Experiment on the Pulsating Heat Pipe with graphene nanofluids Ya-Chi Ho, Chih-Yuan Fu, En-Lan Hu, Liang-Juan Chang, Da-Jeng Yao IEEE 23rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (NANO) Jeju Island, Korea
2023 Strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at Ta/CoFeB/MgO-based MTJs via microwave annealing Liang-Juan Chang, Ya-Chi Ho, Yung-Jen Cheng, Shang-Fan Lee 68th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Dallas, Texas, USA
2022 Magneto-Optical Study of Ultrathin TmIG/Pt Anistropy Timothy Nunley, Side Guo, Liang Juan Chang, David Lujan, Jeongheon Choe, Shang-Fan Lee, Fengyuan Yang, Xiaoqin Elaine Li APS March Meeting 2022 Chicago, USA
2021 Optical Measurements of Epitaxially Grown Ferrimagnetic Insulator Thin Films Timothy Nunley, Liang Juan Chang, Side Guo, David Lujan, Shang-Fan Lee, Fengyuan Yang, Xiaoqin (Elaine) Li APS March Meeting 2021 Virtual
2019 Spin wave generator via oscillating vortex-antivortex core pairs at zero external field Liang-Juan Chang, Shang-Fan Lee APS March Meeting 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2017 Frequency modulation spin waves generator via oscillating vortex core in NiFe disk array L Chang, M Kao, L Tsai, J Liang, S Lee IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG Europe 2017 Dublin, Ireland
2017 Interplay between spin waves and the chiral domain wall in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy materials with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction L Chang, M Kao, L Tsai, J Liang, S Lee IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG Europe 2017 Dublin, Ireland
2016 Spin wave generator via oscillating vortex core in NiFe disk array Liang-Juan Chang, Ming-Yi Kao, Jun-Zhi Liang, Shang-Fan Lee 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
2016 Amplitude control of spin wave via the domain wall rotation in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy nanostripe Liang-Juan Chang, Shang-Fan Lee 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference San Diego, California, USA
2016 Detection of current induced spin torque ferromagnetic resonance in ferromagnetic insulator/heavy metal heterostructures Y. C. Liu, C. N. Wu, Y. T. Fan-Chiang, L. J. Chang, S. F. Lee, M. Hong, J. Kwo 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference San Diego, California, USA
2015 Walker breakdown of domain wall motion driven by spin waves in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy nanostrip Liang-Juan Chang, Shang-Fan Lee 20th International Conference on Magnetism Barcelona, Spain
2014 Simulation of Oscillatory Domain Wall Motion Driven by Spin Waves in Nanostrip with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Shang Fan Lee, Liang Juan Chang APS March Meeting 2014 Denver, Colorado, USA
2012 Current induced localized domain wall oscillators in NiFe /Cu /NiFe nano-stripe Liang Juan Chang, Pang Lin, Shang Fan Lee 19th International Conference on Magnetism with Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2012 Busan, Korea
2010 Vortex state characteristic in NiFe elliptical ring arrays S. Lee, L. Chang, K. Chen, L. Lin and Y. Yao 11th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference Washington, DC
2008 Magnetic interaction in nanometer line width elliptical ring arrays L. Chang, C.Yu, Y. Chen, K. Cheng, S. Lee and Y. Yao 52nd Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Tampa, FL, USA
2007 Influence of IrMn Exchange Bias Layer on the Magnetic Properties of Half Ring NiFe Micron Structures A. Chen, L. Chang, K. Cheng and S. Lee 10th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference Baltimore, MD, USA