
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2012 Sounding Rocket Development with Hybrid Combustion Technology 吳宗信,Yen-Sen Chen, T. H. Chou, J. S. Wu, G. Cheng Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Light Emission of a Planar Nitrogen Atmospheric-Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge Due to Addition of Ammonia Considering Oxygen Impurity 吳宗信,Fu-Li Li, Yi-Wei Yang, Kun-Mo Lin, and J.-S. Wu* Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 The Enhancement of C2C12 Myoblast Cell Growth on Modified Polylactide Surface Using a Highly Efficient Two-step Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment Procedure 吳宗信,Y.-W. Yang, C.-T. Liu, G.-C. Lia, M.-H. Chiang, J.-Y. Wu and J.-S. Wu* Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Hybrid Simulation of Gas Flow and Gas Discharge of Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet with Helium Considering Impurity Effect 吳宗信,K.-M. Lin, M.-H. Hu, C.-T. Hung, J.-S. Wu*, F.-N. Hwang, G. Cheng and Y.-S. Chen Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics of Fuel/Oxidizer Channels in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack 吳宗信/S.-S. Wei and J.-S. Wu* Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Numerical and Experimental Study of Venturi Flow Meters for Nitrous Oxide 吳宗信,K.-M. Chuang, J.-W. Lin, J.-S. Wu*, Gary Cheng and Yensen Chen Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics Past a Mixing Enhancer in a Single-Port Hybrid Combustion Chamber 吳宗信,T.-H. Chou, J.-S. Wu*, Y.-S. Chen and G. Cheng Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 A True-Direction Flux Reconstruction Scheme to the Quiet Direct Simulation Method for Inviscid Gas Flows 吳宗信,Y.-J. Lin, M. R. Smith and J.-S. Wu* Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Parallel Cartesian-Grid Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method with Cut Cells on Multiple Graphics Processor Units 吳宗信,M.-C. Lo, C.-C. Su, F.-A. Kuo, J.-S. Wu*, M. R. Smith Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012) Sendai, Japan
2012 Effect of Angled Grooves on Heat Transfer in an Impingement Channel with Cross-flow 劉耀先,Lo, Y.H., and Liu, Y.H. International Conference on Flow Dynamics Sendai, Miyagi, Japan