
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2008 Effects of Injection Conditions on Strongly-Pulsed Turbulent Jet Flame Structure 廖英皓,M. Fregeau, Y. -H. Liao, J. C. Hermanson, D. P. Stocker, and U. G. Hegde 46th Aerospace Sciences Meeting
2008 Magnetic interaction in nanometer line width elliptical ring arrays 張存均,L. Chang, C.Yu, Y. Chen, K. Cheng, S. Lee and Y. Yao 52nd Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Tampa, FL, USA
2008 Growth and interactions of bubbles generated from chemical reactions in microchannels 傅本然,B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena Reykjavik, Iceland
2008 Fabrication of Bragg grating on rib waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding 黃正昇,Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
2008 Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector 黃正昇,Wang, H-J, Polishak, B., Huang, C-S, Luo, J., Jen, A.K.Y., and Wang, W-C LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
2008 Elastically Restrained Composite Plates-Analysis and Applications 金大仁(2020年退休)/T. Y. Kam Keynote lecture, ICCE-16, Kunming, China.
2008 “Digital microfluidic packaging by droplet-level encapsulation,” 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C.-W. Chen, Y.-W. Hsu, Y.-C. Chang, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers (APCOT ‘08) Tainan, Taiwan
2007 A Novel Six-DOF Electromagnetic Precision Positioner Utilizing Hybrid Magnetic and Fluid Mechanism 洪紹剛/Sheng-Chih Huang; Shao-Kang Hung; Mei-Yung Chen; Chih-Hsien Lin; Li-Chen Fu Annual Conference of the IEEE on Industrial Electronics Society
2007 “Numerical Studies for Flows over the Porous Spheres and Cylinders with/without Blowing,” 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),Y. C. Ji, C. H. Huang and C. H. Chen ASCHT2007
2007 “Influences of Wetting Condition to Rosensweig Instability of a Ferrofluid Droplet” 陳慶耀/Z.-Y. Cheng and C.-Y. Chen Proc. of the 31st (ROC) National Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics Kaohsiung, Taiwan