
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2008 Heat Transfer in Leading Edge, Triangular Shaped Cooling Channels with Angled Ribs under High Rotation Numbers 劉耀先,Liu, Y.H., Huh, M., Rhee, D.H., Han, J.C., and Moon, H.K ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2008-50344, Berlin, Germany
2008 Effect of Rib Spacing on Heat Transfer in a Two-Pass Rectangular Channel (AR=1:4) with a Sharp Entrance at High Rotation Numbers 劉耀先,Huh, M., Liu, Y.H., Han, J.C., and Chopra, S. ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2008-50311 Berlin, Germany
2008 Heat Transfer in Trailing Edge, Wedge-Shaped Cooling Channels with Slot Ejection under High Rotation Numbers 劉耀先,Liu, Y.H., Huh, M., Wright, L.M., and Han, J.C., ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2008-50343 Berlin, Germany
2008 Development of an Improved Parallelized Hybrid DSMC-NS Algorithm and Its Applications in Hypersonic Flow Computation 吳宗信,Y.-Y. Lian, J.-S. Wu*, K.-C. Tseng, Y.-S. Chen 26th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS) Hamamatsu City, Japan
2008 “Digital Microfluidic Packaging by Droplet-Level Encapsulation,“ 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C. W. Chen, Y. W. Hsu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, and S. K. Fan Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology Taiwan
2008 減壓手術後脊突間減壓裝置(Coflex)的生物力學影響 洪景華、陳世豪、羅正展、蔡凱宙、鍾政成 第54屆中華民國骨科醫學會 中國醫藥大學附設醫院
2008 “Numerical Simulations of Radial Viscous Fingering in Miscible Hele-Shaw Flows” 陳慶耀,C.-Y. Chen, C.-W. Huang, H. Gadelha and J. Miranda 中華民國燃燒學會第十八屆會議 雲林‧臺灣
2008 “磁性液滴通過微小通道之液滴分割研究” 陳慶耀,李文芳, 陳振華 中華民國燃燒學會第十八屆會議 雲林‧臺灣
2008 "Silica nanoparticle effect on compressive failure of glass/epoxy composites" 蔡佳霖,Yi-Lieh Cheng, and Jia-Lin Tsai 中華民國第九屆破壞科學研討會 墾丁, Taiwan (Others)
2008 The load and displacement controlled finite element analyses with follower load on fusion and non-fusion spinal implants 洪景華,S-H Chen, Z-C Zhong, M-C Chiang, W-J Chen, C Hung 55th Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association Taoyuan, Taiwan