
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2010 “Characteristics of Electromagnetic Induction for Moving Ferrofluids” 陳慶耀,C.-H. Lin, C.-M. Wu, K.-A. Huang Book of abstracts, the 12th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids Sendai, Japan
2010 Biomechanical characteristic of Coflex-F and pedicle screw fixation with TLIF or ALIF surgery - A finite element study 洪景華,Cheng-Chan Lo, Kai-Jow Tsai, Zheng-Cheng Zhong, Chinghua Hung WCB2010,6th World Congress on Biomechanics Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore
2010 電濕潤技術應用於顯示面版之數值模擬 陳慶耀,黃裕盛 第十七屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會 桃園‧臺灣
2010 Development of a Pressured-Based Finite Volume Compressible Flow Solver at All Speeds with Conjugate Heat Transfer 吳宗信,M.-H. Hu, J.-S. Wu* and Y.-S. Chen 2010 CFD Conference Taiwan Chungli, Taiwan
2010 Numerical Investigation of an Anode Supported Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Button Fuel Cell by considering Feed Tubes Positioning 吳宗信,A. Aliat, K.-M Lin, J.-S. Wu*, and M.-H. Hu 2010 CFD Conference Taiwan Chungli, Taiwan
2010 Higher-order Extension of Quiet Direction Simulation (QDS) Method for Inviscid Flow Computation 吳宗信,Y.-J. Lin, M.R. Smith, M. Jermy, J.-C. Huang and J.-S. Wu* 2010 CFD Conference Taiwan Chungli, Taiwan
2010 Multi-Species Fluxes for the Parallel Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) Method 吳宗信,H.M. Cave, C.-W. Lim, M.C. Jermy*, S.P. Krumdieck, M.R. Smith, Y.J. Lin and J.-S. Wu The 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics California
2010 General Higher Order Extension to the Quiet Direct Simulation Method 吳宗信,Y.-J. Lin, M. R. Smith, H. M. Cave, J.-C. Huang and J.-S. Wu* The 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics California
2010 Parallel Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Computation Using CUDA on GPUs 吳宗信,C.-C. Su, J.-S. Wu*, C.-W. Hsieh and M.R. Smith The 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics California
2010 An Approximate Method for Solving Unsteady Transitional and Rarefied Flow Regimes in Pulsed Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition Process using the Quiet Direct Simulation Method 吳宗信,C.W. Lim, H.M. Cave, M.C. Jermy*, S.P. Krumdieck and J.-S. Wu The 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics California