2007 |
System parameters evaluation of flexibly supported laminated composite sandwich plates |
金大仁(2020年退休),C. R. Lee, S. J. Sun and T. Y. Kam |
No. 9 |
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2007 |
Modeling of the integrated magnetic focusing and gated field-emission device with single carbon nanotube |
吳宗信,P.-Y. Chen, K.-H. Hsu, Y.-L. Hsu, K.-W. Cheng, C.-T. Hung, J.-S. Wu* and J.-P. Yu |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology-B |
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2007 |
Two-phase flow in converging and diverging microchannels with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactions |
傅本然,B.R. Fu, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan* |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
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2007 |
Performance Improvement of an IGBT Inverter Module by Liquid Micro-jet Impingement Cooling |
陳清榮(2023年退休),Bhunia, A., Chandrasekaran, S. and Chen, C. L. |
IEEE Transactions on Components & Packaging Technologies |
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2007 |
Dropwise Condensation on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Two-Tier Roughness |
陳清榮(2023年退休),Chen, C. H., Cai, Q. Tsai, C. and Chen, C.L. |
Applied Physics Letters |
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2007 |
An Advanced Thermal Solution in Avionics System for Aerospace Vehicle |
陳清榮(2023年退休),Cai, Q., Chen, C. L. and Asfia, J. |
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets |
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2007 |
Resonant polymeric waveguide cantilever integrated for optical scanning |
黃正昇,Panergo, R. Huang, C-S Liu, C-S Reinhall, P.G. Wang, W-C |
Journal of Lightwave Technology |
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2007 |
“Two-phase Flow Characteristics Across Sudden Expansion in Small Rectangular Channels,” |
王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Liu, C.C., Chien, K.H., and Wang, C.C. |
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science |
2007 |
“Microcantilever Pb2+ Sensor Using Re-Supramolecular Functionalization with Crown-Ether-Like Recognition Site,” |
王啟川,Lai, S.M., Wu,C.Y., Hsu, K.S., Wang, C.C., Chiang, H.C., Lu, K.L., and Chou, I.Y. |
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters |
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2007 |
“A Comparative Study of the Airside Performance of Heat Sinks Having Pin Fin Configurations,” |
王啟川,Yang, K.S., Chu, W.S., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. |
Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer |