
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2010 Surface Modification of Nano-Porous Anodic Alumina Membranes and Its Use in Electroosmotic Flow 王啟川,Chen, Y.F., Hu, Y.H., Chou, Y.I., Lai, S.M., and Wang, C.C. Sensors and Actuators, Part B, Chemical
2010 Effect of Passive Flow Deflector on the Flux Improvement in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation 王啟川,Liu, C.L., Chen, Y.F., Sheu, W.J., and Wang, C.C. Desalination
2010 Influence of Inlet Configurations on the Refrigerant Distribution of a Dual Cold-plate System 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Yu, K.H., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. Heat Transfer Engineering
2010 Airside Performance of Fin-and-tube Heat Exchangers in Dehumidifying Conditions – Data With Larger Diameter 王啟川,Liu, Y.C., Wongwises, S., Chang, W.J., and Wang, C.C. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Two-phase Flow Across Small Sudden Expansions/Contractions 王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Wongwises, S., Yang, B.C., and Wang, C.C Heat Transfer Engineering
2010 Water Permeation analysis on gas Diffusion Layer of PEM fuel Cells for Flooding Issue Annotation 王啟川,Chou, Y.I., Shaio, Z.Y., Chen, Y.F., Sung, L.Y., Yang, W.M., and Wang, C.C. J. of Power Sources
2010 Correlations for Wet Surface Ratio of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers 王啟川,Pirompugd, W., Wang, C.C., and Wongwises, S. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Ordered Microdroplet Formations of Thin Ferrofluid Layer Breakups 陳慶耀,Chen, Ching-Yao and Li, C.-S. Phys. Fluids 1 (SCI)
2010 Instability Patterns of Ferrofluids Immersed in A Fluid Layer 陳慶耀,Chen, Ching-Yao, Liu, J.-F. and Wang, L.-C. Magnetohydrodynamics 3 (SCI)
2010 Controlling radial fingering patterns in miscible confined flows 陳慶耀,Chen, Ching-Yao, Huang, C.-W., Wang, L.-C. and *Miranda, J. Phys. Rev. E 5 (SCI)