
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2010 A TEM phase plate loading system with loading monitoring and nano-positioning functions 洪紹剛/Shiue Jessie; Hung Shao-Kang Ultramicroscopy 9
2010 TFT LCD廠自動化之非接觸式氣浮傳送技術 鄭璧瑩(2023年退休)/Pi-Ying Cheng 電子月刊
2010 Relation between the plasma characteristics and physical properties of functional zinc oxide thin film prepared by RF sputtering process 吳宗信,Che-Wei Hsu, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, Wen-Hsien Huang, J.-S. Wu*, Cheng-Chih Cheng, Kai-Wen Cheng, Shih-Chiang Huang Thin Solid Films (SCI)
2010 Simple channel geometry for enhancement of chemical reactions in microchannels 傅本然,B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI)
2010 Characterization of triboelectrically charged particles 鄭雲謙,A. Nesterov, F. Löffler, Y. Cheng, G. Torralba, K. König, M. Hausmann, V. Lindenstruth, V. Stadler, F. R. Bischoff and F. Breitling Journal of Physics D, 43, 1-6, (SCI Ranking 32/118, IF: 2.109)
2010 Chip printer 鄭雲謙,Y. Cheng, F. Löffler, K. König, A. Nesterov, E. Dörsam, F. Breitling Advanced Research in Physics and Engineering, 19-22 (ISSN:1790-5117)
2010 Peptide arrays with a chip 鄭雲謙,A. Nesterov, E. Dörsam, Y. Cheng, C. Schirwitz, F. Märkle, F. Löffler, K. König, V. Stadler, F. R. Bischoff, F. Breitling Methods in Molecular Biology, 669, 109-124
2010 Design and Test of CNT Biwick Structure for High Heat Flux Phase Change Heat Transfer 陳清榮(2023年退休),Cai, Q. and Chen, C. L. Journal of Heat Transfer (EI)
2010 Liquid Micro-jet Array Impingement Boiling on a Micro-structured Surface 陳清榮(2023年退休),Bhunia, A. Chen, Y and Chen, C.L. International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport (EI)
2010 Photobleaching on photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence surfaces 黃正昇,Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, George, S., and Cunningham, B. T. Journal of Fluorescence (SCI)