
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2011 Effect of Fin Pitches on the Air-side Performance of Crimped Spiral Fin-and-tube Heat Exchangers With a Multipass Parallel and Counter Cross-flow Configuration 王啟川,Pongsoi, P., Pikulkajorn, S., Wang, C.C., and Wongwises, S. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2011 On the Heat Transfer Correlation for Membrane Distillation 王啟川,Wang, C.C. Energy Conversion and Management
2011 Heat Transfer and Flow Pattern Characteristics for HFE-7100 Within Microchannel Heat Sinks 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Jeng, Y.R., Huang, C.M., and Wang, C.C. Heat Transfer Engineering No. 7-8
2011 A Numerical Investigation of the Geometric Effects on the Performance of Plate Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger 王啟川,Lu, C.W., Huang, J.M., Nien, W.C., and Wang, C.C. Energy Conversion and Management
2011 Air-side Performance of Herringbone Wavy Fin-and-tube Heat exchangers – Data With Larger Diameter Tube 王啟川,Wang, C.C., Liaw, J.S., Yang, B.C. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2011 A Study of Bubble Venting in a Microchannel With Hydrophobic Nanoporous Membranes 王啟川,Shyu, J.C., Li, S.L., Chen, I.Y., Yang, K.S., Chen, W.S., Chang, S.Y., and Wang, C.C. J. of Flow Visualization and Image Processing
2011 Single-layered multi-color electrowetting display by using ink-jet-printing technology and fluid-motion prediction with simulation 陳慶耀,Ku, Y.-S., Kuo, S.-W., Huang, Y.-S., Chen, Ching-Yao, Lo, K.-L., Cheng, W.-Y., and Shiu, J.-W. J. Soc. Inf. Display 7 (SCI)
2011 Diffuse-interface approach to rotating Hele-Shaw flows 陳慶耀,Chen, Ching-Yao, Huang, Y.-S. and *Miranda, J. Phys. Rev. E 4 (SCI)
2011 Manipulations of Vibrating Micro Magnetic Particle Chains 陳慶耀,Li, Y.-H., Sheu, S.-T., Pai, J.-M. and *Chen, Ching-Yao accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. (SCI)
2011 Finite element prediction of the lens shape of molded optical glass lenses. 洪景華,Yu-Chung Tsai, Shih-Feng Tseng, Jung-Chung Hung, Chinghua Hung* Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 224-234. (SCI)