2011 |
Effect of Fin Pitches on the Air-side Performance of Crimped Spiral Fin-and-tube Heat Exchangers With a Multipass Parallel and Counter Cross-flow Configuration |
王啟川,Pongsoi, P., Pikulkajorn, S., Wang, C.C., and Wongwises, S. |
Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer |
2011 |
On the Heat Transfer Correlation for Membrane Distillation |
王啟川,Wang, C.C. |
Energy Conversion and Management |
2011 |
Heat Transfer and Flow Pattern Characteristics for HFE-7100 Within Microchannel Heat Sinks |
王啟川,Yang, K.S., Jeng, Y.R., Huang, C.M., and Wang, C.C. |
Heat Transfer Engineering |
No. 7-8 |
2011 |
A Numerical Investigation of the Geometric Effects on the Performance of Plate Finned-Tube Heat Exchanger |
王啟川,Lu, C.W., Huang, J.M., Nien, W.C., and Wang, C.C. |
Energy Conversion and Management |
2011 |
Air-side Performance of Herringbone Wavy Fin-and-tube Heat exchangers – Data With Larger Diameter Tube |
王啟川,Wang, C.C., Liaw, J.S., Yang, B.C. |
Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer |
2011 |
A Study of Bubble Venting in a Microchannel With Hydrophobic Nanoporous Membranes |
王啟川,Shyu, J.C., Li, S.L., Chen, I.Y., Yang, K.S., Chen, W.S., Chang, S.Y., and Wang, C.C. |
J. of Flow Visualization and Image Processing |
2011 |
Single-layered multi-color electrowetting display by using ink-jet-printing technology and fluid-motion prediction with simulation |
陳慶耀,Ku, Y.-S., Kuo, S.-W., Huang, Y.-S., Chen, Ching-Yao, Lo, K.-L., Cheng, W.-Y., and Shiu, J.-W. |
J. Soc. Inf. Display |
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2011 |
Diffuse-interface approach to rotating Hele-Shaw flows |
陳慶耀,Chen, Ching-Yao, Huang, Y.-S. and *Miranda, J. |
Phys. Rev. E |
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2011 |
Manipulations of Vibrating Micro Magnetic Particle Chains |
陳慶耀,Li, Y.-H., Sheu, S.-T., Pai, J.-M. and *Chen, Ching-Yao |
accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. |
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2011 |
Finite element prediction of the lens shape of molded optical glass lenses. |
洪景華,Yu-Chung Tsai, Shih-Feng Tseng, Jung-Chung Hung, Chinghua Hung* |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 224-234. |
(SCI) |