
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2013 The Experimental Study on Biogas Power Generation Enhanced by Using Waste Heat to Preheat Inlet Gases 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),Tsung-Han Lee, Sheng-Rung Huang, and Chiun-Hsun Chen Renewable Energy
2013 Enhanced lateral heat dissipation packaging structure for GaN HEMTs on Si substrate 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Stone Cheng*, Po-Chien Chou, Wei-Hua Chieng, E.Y. Chang Applied Thermal Engineering 51 (SCI)
2013 Study on bending behavior of endodontic instruments by analytical and numerical analyses 呂宗熙(2016年退休),Tsao, C. C., Liou, J. U., Wen, P. H., Peng, C. C., and T. S. Liu International Endodontic Journa (SCI)
2013 GA based hybrid fuzzy rule optimization approach for elevator group control system 李安謙/An-Chen Lee Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering 3 (SCI)
2013 GA based hybrid fuzzy rule optimization approach for elevator group control system 李安謙,T.-C. Chen*, Y.-Y. Hsu, A.-C. Lee, and S.-Y. Wang Innovation for Applied Science and Technology (Applied Mechanics and Materials) (EI)
2013 Boiling heat transfer of co- and counter-current microchannel heat exchangers with gas heating 傅本然,T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 The effect of aspect ratio on flow boiling heat transfer of HFE-7100 in a microchannel heat sink 傅本然,B.R. Fu, C.Y. Lee, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Flow-pattern-based correlations for pressure drop during flow boiling of ethanol–water mixtures in a microchannel 傅本然,B.R. Fu, M.S. Tsou, Chin Pan* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Two-phase flow and heat transfer during steam condensation in a converging microchannel with different convergence angles 傅本然,B.R. Fu, T.H. Chang, Chin Pan* Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI)
2013 Liquid–liquid mixtures flow in microchannels 傅本然/B.R. Fu* Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (SCI)