姓名 | 黃正昇 |
電子郵件 | csh(at)nycu.edu.tw |
聯絡電話 | 886-3-5712121 Ext.55108 |
職 稱 | 教授兼系主任 |
聯絡電話 | 886-3-5712121 Ext.55108 |
辦公室 | 工程五館478室 |
個人網站 | http://mnsensors.wixsite.com/nctu |
個人網站 | 生化感測實驗室 |
實驗室 | 工程五館507室 (分機:55230),生化感測實驗室 |
組別 | 設計與製造組、微奈米工程組 |
授課領域 | 生物及光學感測器、蛋白質陣列晶片、微機電系統、微奈米製程、光電元件 |
研究專長 | 光學、生化感測器、微奈米製程、高分子光電元件、蛋白質晶片 |
國家 | 學校名稱 | 系所 | 學位 | 期間 |
美國 | 華盛頓大學 | 機械工程學系 | 博士 | 2003.03 ~ 2009.06 |
美國 | 華盛頓大學 | 機械工程學系 | 碩士 | 2001.01 ~ 2002.12 |
台灣 | 交通大學 | 機械工程學系 | 學士 | 1993.09 ~ 1997.06 |
服務機關名稱 | 單位 | 職務 | 期間 |
國立交通大學 | 機械工程學系 | 副教授 | 2016.08 ~ 迄今 |
國立交通大學 | 機械工程學系 | 助理教授 | 2012.02 ~ 2016.07 |
年度 | 計畫名稱 | 參與人 | 職稱/擔任之工作 | 計畫期間 | 補助/委託或合作機構 |
2017 | 開發可整合於生醫晶片之微型光譜儀 | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 | 科技部 |
2017 | 應用於偵測洗腎病人驢瘻管血流量及血壓之無電池無線PPG感測陣列貼片 | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2017.05 ~ 2018.04 | 科技部 |
2015 | 智慧手機平台之光纖生物感器 | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 | 科技部 |
2014 | 生物微陣列晶片應用之光子晶體微米柱基板設計與製造 | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 | 科技部 |
2013 | 矽光子晶體增強螢光在蛋白質陣列晶片的應用(2/2) | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 | 國科會 |
2013 | 102年度邁向頂尖大學「特色研究計畫」 | 黃正昇 | 共同主持人 | 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 | 教育部 / 國立交通大學研發處 |
2013 | 102年度邁向頂尖大學「新進教師增能計畫」 | 黃正昇 | 主持人 | 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 | 教育部 / 國立交通大學研發處 |
2012 | 矽光子晶體增強螢光在蛋白質陣列晶片的應用(1/2) | 黃正昇 | 計畫主持人 | 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 | 國科會 |
年度 | 論文名稱 | 全部作者 | 期刊名稱 | 期數 |
2018 | A gradient grating period guided-mode resonance spectrometer | Hsu, H-Y, Lan Y-H, and Huang, C-S* | IEEE Photonics Journal | |
2017 | An EWOD-based micro diluter with high flexibility on dilution ratio | Wang, Y-B, Huang, J-H, Lee, M-S, Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Yamashita, I, Tu, Y-Y, Hsu, W | Microsystem Technologies | |
2017 | Droplet-based label-free detection system based on guided-mode resonance and electowetting-on-dielectric for concentration measurement | Wang, Y-B, Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, W† | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | |
2017 | Real-time CRP detection from whole blood using micropost-embedded microfluidic chip incorporated with label-free biosensor | Tsai, M-Z, Hsiung, C-T, Chen, Y, Huang, C-S*, Hsu, H-Y, Hsieh, P-Y | Analyst | |
2016 | Optimization of a guided-mode resonance filter by varying the thickness of the buffer layer | Hsu, H. I., Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S* | Chinese Optics Letters | |
2016 | Linear variable filter based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter | Lin, H-A and Huang, C-S* | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | |
2016 | Photonic crystal micropost as a microarray platform | Chang, C-W and Huang, C-S* | Optics Express | |
2016 | Integration of a guided-mode resonance filter with microposts for in-cell protein detection | Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* | Analyst | |
2016 | Compact spectrometer system based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter | Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S* | Optics Express | |
2015 | Photonic crystal-enhanced fluorescence through the extraction of dually polarized modes | Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T and Huang, C-S* | Optics Letters | |
2013 | SU8 inverted-rib waveguide Bragg grating filter | Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C | Applied Optics | |
2012 | Line-scanning detection instrument for photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence | Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S., Polans, J., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. | Optics Letters | |
2012 | Multiplexed cancer biomarker detection using quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces | Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. | Analytical Chemistry | |
2012 | Plastic-based distributed feedback laser biosensors in microplate format | Tan, Y., Ge, C., Chu, A., Lu, M., Goldshlag, W., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Cunningham, B. T. | IEEE Sensors Journal | |
2011 | Spatially selective photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence and application to background reduction for biomolecule detection assays | Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Pokhriyal, A., Polans, J., Schulz, S. C., and Cunningham, B. T. | Optics Express | |
2011 | Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to cancer biomarker microarrays | Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. | Analytical Chemistry | |
2010 | Photobleaching on photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence surfaces | Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, George, S., and Cunningham, B. T. | Journal of Fluorescence | |
2010 | Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection | Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Vikram, C., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. | Optics Express | |
2010 | Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface | Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. | Applied Physics Letters | |
2009 | SU-8 rib waveguide Bragg grating filter using composite stamp and solvent-assisted microcontact molding technique | Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C | Journal of Micro/Nanolithography,MEMS, and MOEMS | |
2009 | Fabrication of an elastomeric rib waveguide Bragg grating filter | Huang, C-S, Pun, E. Y. B., and Wang, W-C | Journal of the Optical Society of America B | |
2008 | Large core single mode rib SU8 waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding | Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C | Applied Optics | |
2008 | Flexible polymeric rib waveguide with self aligned couplers system | Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C | Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B | 1 |
2008 | Development of a microfabricated optical bend loss sensor for distribute pressure measurement | Wang, W-C, Ledous, W.R., Huang, C-Y, Huang, C-S, Klute, G.K., and Reinhall, P.G. | IEEE Trans. Biomedical Eng. | 2 |
2007 | Resonant polymeric waveguide cantilever integrated for optical scanning | Panergo, R. Huang, C-S Liu, C-S Reinhall, P.G. Wang, W-C | Journal of Lightwave Technology | 3 |
年度 | 論文名稱 | 全部作者 | 會議名稱 | 地點 |
2018 | Applications of gradient grating period guided-mode resonance in spectral measurement | Huang, C-S* | PIERS | Japan |
2017 | Design and fabrication of compact spectrometer based on gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter | Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, Chang, C-W, and Huang, C-S* | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim | Singapore |
2016 | Design and Fabrication of a Linear Filter Based on a Gradient Grating Period Guided-Mode Resonance | Cheng-Sheng Huang | Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC) | |
2016 | The optical response of guided-mode resonance filter with varying thickness of the buffer layer | Hsu, H. I, Wu, P-T, and Huang, C-S* | Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference (OPTIC) | |
2016 | Chip-size wavelength detector based on a gradient grating period guided-mode resonance filter | Lin, H-A, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* | SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications | |
2016 | Compact wavelength detection system based on a gradient guided-mode resonance filter | Cheng-Sheng Huang | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics | |
2015 | Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence through extraction of dual polarization modes | Wu, Y-A, Wu, P-T, and Huang. C-S* | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim | |
2015 | Integration of guided-mode resonance with micropost filter for in-cell protein detection | Tu, Y-K, Tsai, M-Z, Lee, I-C, Hsu, H-Y, and Huang, C-S* | Optofluidics | |
2015 | Integration of photonic crystal and electrowetting-on-dielectric microfluidics for concentration measurement | Su, L-Y, Fu, C-S, Wang, Y-B, Huang, C-S* and Hsu, W-S | Optofluidics | |
2012 | Quartz-based photonic crystal surfaces for multiplexed cancer biomarker detection | Huang, C-S, Chaudhery, V., Pokhriyal, A., George, S., Polans, J., Lu, M., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. | IEEE Sensors | Taipei |
2011 | Application of photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence to antibody microarrays | Huang, C-S, George, S., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Tan, R., Zangar, R. C. and Cunningham, R. T. | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics | |
2011 | Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection | Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Chaudhery, V., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. | Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics | |
2011 | Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface | Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. | IEEE Sensors Conference | |
2011 | Photonic crystal enhanced microscopy: multimode imaging for photonic crystal biosensors | Chaudhery, V., Lidstone, E.A., George, S., Huang, C.S., Kohl, A., and Cunningham, B.T. | OSA Optics in the Life Sciences Congress | Monterey |
2009 | Design and fabrication of an inverted rib waveguide Bragg grating | Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C | Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems | |
2008 | Fabrication of Bragg grating on rib waveguide using solvent assisted microcontact molding | Huang, C-S and Wang, W-C | LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society | |
2008 | Electro-optic polymer prism beam deflector | Wang, H-J, Polishak, B., Huang, C-S, Luo, J., Jen, A.K.Y., and Wang, W-C | LEOS 2008-The 21st Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society | |
2005 | Developments of a force image algorithm for micromachined optical bend loss sensor | Huang, C-Y, Liu, C-S, Panergo, R., Huang, C-S, and Wang, W-C | SPIE NDE Health Monitoring and Diagnostics | |
2003 | Stress singularities at corners in thin and thick elastic plates | Labossiere, P. and Huang, C-S | Proceeding of Society of Experimental Mechanics | |
2003 | Stress singularities, stress intensities and fracture initiation at sharp reentrant corners in elastic plates in bending | Huang, C-S and Labossiere, P. | 7th International Conference on Assessment and Control of Damage and Fracture Mechanics |
發表日期 | 專利名稱 | 著作人 | 專利編號 | 專利國別 |
2016/07/29 | 一種分光器及其光譜儀 | 黃正昇、林信安 | I 541493 | 中華民國 |
2016/05/07 | 壓力與檢力量測裝置及方法 | 黃正昇、楊秉祥、鄭文雅 | I 482953 | 中華民國 |
2016/05/07 | 壓力及剪力量測裝置及方法 | 黃正昇、楊秉祥、鄭文雅 | CN 103913258 A | 中國大陸 |
2016/05/07 | Pressure and shear force measurement device and method | Yang, B-S, Jang, W-Y, Cheng-Sheng Huang | US 9109963 B2 | 美國 |