
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2010 Design and Test of CNT Biwick Structure for High Heat Flux Phase Change Heat Transfer 陳清榮(2023年退休),Cai, Q. and Chen, C. L. Journal of Heat Transfer (EI)
2010 Liquid Micro-jet Array Impingement Boiling on a Micro-structured Surface 陳清榮(2023年退休),Bhunia, A. Chen, Y and Chen, C.L. International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport (EI)
2010 Photobleaching on photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence surfaces 黃正昇,Chaudhery, V., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, George, S., and Cunningham, B. T. Journal of Fluorescence (SCI)
2010 Photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence using a quartz substrate to reduce limits of detection 黃正昇,Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Vikram, C., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. Optics Express (SCI)
2010 Multicolor fluorescence enhancement from a photonics crystal surface 黃正昇,Pokhriyal, A., Lu, M., Huang, C-S, Schulz, S. and Cunningham, B. T. Applied Physics Letters (SCI)
2010 “An Experimental Study of air Cooling Thermal Module Using Various Enhancements at low Reynolds Number Region,” 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Li, S.L., Chen, I.Y., Chien, K.H., Hu, R., and Wang, C.C. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 “Novel No-moving-part Valves for Microfluidic Devices,” 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Liu, Y.H., Wang, C.C., and Shyu, J.C. Microsystem Technology (EI)
2010 “A New Correlation and the Review of Two-phase Flow Pressure Change Across Sudden Expansion in Small Channels,” 王啟川,Wang C.C., Tseng, C.Y., and Chen, I.Y. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 “A Survey of Recent Patents of Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers From 2001~2009,” 王啟川,Wang, C.C. Int. J. of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration no. 1
2010 “Investigation of Bubble Effect in Microfluidic Fuel Cells by a Simplified Microfluidic Reactor,” 王啟川,Shyu, J.C., Lee, C.J., Wei, C.S., and Wang, C.C. Applied Thermal Engineering