
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2007 "Characterizing Moisture Effect on the Nonlinear Behaviors of Epoxy Resin" 蔡佳霖,Yang-Kai Chi, Jhong-Yu Han and Jia-Lin Tsai 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會 中壢, Taiwan (Others)
2007 "Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Particulate Nanocomposites using Multi-Scale Simulation" 蔡佳霖/ia-Lin Tsai and Shi-Hua Tzeng the Taiwan-Russia Joint Symposium on Soft Materials Taiwan (Others)
2007 Multilayer Wick Structure of Loop Heat Pipe 陳清榮(2023年退休),Cai, Q., Chen, C.L.,, and Asfia, J. ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Seattle, Washington, USA (EI)
2007 Biomechanical comparison between transforaminal and posterior lumbar interbody fusion devices after decompressive surgery 洪景華,S-H Chen, P-F Hsu, Z-C Zhong, C-C Lo, W-J Chen, C Hung 53nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association Taoyuan, Taiwan
2007 The load and displacement controlled finite element analyses on fusion and non-fusion spinal implants 洪景華,S-H Chen, Z-C Zhong, M-C Chiang, W-J Chen, C Hung* 53nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association Taoyuan, Taiwan
2007 “Adaptive ZPETC Focusing Method For Dual-Stage Actuator In Miniaturized Optical Disc Drive” 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Po-Chien Chou, Stone Cheng 2007年台韓資訊儲存研討會Taiwan-Korea Data Storage Symposium 2007
2007 Developing a General-Purpose Parallelized Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Code (PDSC) Using Unstructured Grid: A Progress Report 吳宗信,J.-S. Wu*, K.-C. Tseng, H.M. Cave, Y.-Y. Lian, J.-P. Yu, Y.-S. Chen, M.C. Jermy and S.P. Krumdieck DSMC: Theory, Methods and Applications Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2007 Flow Field Modelling of Pulsed Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition 吳宗信,H.M. Cave, J.-C. Huang, J.-S. Wu, S.P. Krumdieck, K.-C. Tseng, M.C. Jermy, M. Lebedev, K.-W. Cheng and Y.-S. Chen Sixteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition Den Haag (Scheveningen), The Netherlands
2007 "Investigating Mechanical Behaviors of Particulate Nanocomposites" 蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Hung Hsiao The American Society for Composites, 22th Technical Conference Seattle, WA (Others)
2007 “壓縮機活塞缸之流場模擬” 陳慶耀, 鄭國豐, 陳振華 第十四屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會 南投‧臺灣