
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2011 Real-Time Self-Tuning Approach for Intelligent Elevator Group Control System 李安謙,Ta-Cheng Chen, Yuan-Yong Hsu, An-Chen Lee and Pei-Tzu Hong The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science
2011 Capillary Electrophoresis in Virtual Microchannel Based on Dielectrophoresis 徐文祥,Huang, Cheng-Yeh, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu, Wensyang The 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2011) Seattle, USA.
2011 量測一單根尼龍-6奈米纖維熱傳導率之微元件 呂明璋(2019年調職),劉岳儒, 簡東甫, 杜成偉 和 呂明璋 中國機械工程學會第二十八屆全國學術研討會
2011 A Muitlple-GPU Accelerated Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method 吳宗信,C.-C. Su, J.-S. Wu*, M. R. Smith, C.-W. Hsieh, K.-C. Tseng and F.-A. Kuo DSMC11 Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2011 Modified Double EWMA Approach for Mixed Product Run-to-Run CMP Process Control 李安謙,An-Chen Lee*, Tzu-Wei Kuo and Zeng-Lien Lee International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering-ADME 2011 Guangzhou, China
2011 Orientation Effect on the Convective Boiling performance of a Microchannel Heat Sink 王啟川,Wang, C.C., Chang, W.J., Dai, C.H., and Yang, K.S. the 4th International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER and FLUID FLOW in MICROSCALE HTFFM-IV Fukuoka, Japan
2011 (INTERNOISE 2011) Tracking the Real-Time Emotional Locus of Music Signals 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Jun-Jie Fu, Liwei Lin, and Stone Cheng NST 2010 大阪
2011 Miscible Displacements in a Radial Hele-Shaw Flow with Nonmonotonic Viscosity Profiles 陳慶耀,L.-C. Wang, C.-H. Chen and C.-Y. Chen The 18th (ROC) National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Land County, Taiwan
2011 高精密度擴散界面法於不可互溶旋轉Hele-Shaw流數值場模擬 陳慶耀,黃裕盛 第十八屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會 I-Land County, Taiwan
2011 From Miscible to Immiscible: Physics and Modeling of a Diffuse Interface 陳慶耀/C.-Y. Chen The 18th (ROC) National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Land County