Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2009 TILF with unilateral or bilateral pedicle screw system Biomechanical characteristics of the decompression surgery - finite element simulation Ching-Hua Hung ,Shih-Hao Chen, Zhao Shiheng, Chung Cheng Cheng, Lo Cheng Chan,Ching-Hua Hung 98 Annual General Meeting and Symposium Taipei
2009 Application accompanied by the finite element model of the load of the fusion and non fusion analysis of the lumbar spine implants Ching-Hua Hung ,Shih-Hao Chen, Ming-Jie Jiang, Chung Cheng Chan, Wen-Jer Chen,Ching-Hua Hung 98 Annual General Meeting and Symposium Taipei
2009 Young’s modulus and fatigue lifetime improvements by diamond size effect on electroplated Ni-diamond nanocomposite Wen-Syang Hsu ,Huang, C.S. Cheng, Y.T. Yeh, C.J. Liu, H.K. and Hsu, W. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (IEEE Transducers 2009)
2009 CVD flow field modelling using the Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) method Jong-Shinn Wu ,Hadley M. Cave, Chin-Wai Lim, Mark C. Jermy, Jong-Shinn Wu*, Matthew R. Smith and Susan P. Krumdieck The 17th European CVD Conference
2009 A Study of Oxygen Concentration Effect on Zinc Oxide Thin Film Deposition by a RF Magnetron Sputtering Method Jong-Shinn Wu ,Che-Wei Hsu, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, Chun-Hui Yang, Yi-Ling Shen, Jong-Shin Wu*, Sheng-Yao Wu
2009 Microfabrication technique to produce micro proton exchange membrane fuel cell Chiun-Hsun Chen ,Peng Rung Guei,Chen Tang Yuan,Cheng Chih Wei,Chiun-Hsun Chen 2008 The Third National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell
2009 “Formation, Transportation, and Evaporation of Encapsulated Droplets,” Chiun-Hsun Chen ,Y.-W. Hsu, C.-H. Chen, and S.-K. Fan IEEE Int. Conf. on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering Tainan, Taiwan
2009 Micro-process technology to produce micro-PDMS fuel cell Chiun-Hsun Chen ,Xuyi Jia, Peng Ronggui,Chiun-Hsun Chen 2009 Resources and environment, Symposium
2009 “System Identification and Performance Improvement to a Micro Gas Turbine Applying Biogas” Chiun-Hsun Chen ,C. H. Yang, C. C. Lee and C. H. Chen International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering Italy
2009 Mechanism Design and Analysis of optical information storage systems, fiber optic micro to read and write Stone Cheng,Jiang Bo financial Automatic Control Conference