
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2020 Analysis of Hydroxyl Radical and Hydrogen Peroxide Generated in Helium-Based Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet and in Different Solutions Treated by Plasma for Bioapplications 鄭雲謙,Tsung-Wen Chen, Chih-Tung Liu, Chao-Yu Chen, Mu-Chien Wu, Po-Chien Chien, Yun-Chien Cheng* ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 9 115002,(SCI Ranking=78/148=0.52, Physics, IF: 1.795)
2020 Protein Crosslinking and Immobilization in 3D Microfluidics through Multiphoton Absorption 鄭雲謙,Chen-Feng Lin, Che-Fu Su, Kung-Hsuan Lin, Yu-Shen Hsieh, Yun-Chien Cheng* ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9, 115013 (SCI Ranking=78/148=0.52, Physics, IF: 1.795), most read article
2020 Plasma-activated medium as adjuvant therapy for lung cancer with malignant pleural effusion 鄭雲謙,Yi-Jing Cheng, Ching-Kai Lin, Chao-Yu Chen, Po-Chien Chien, Ho-Hsien Chuan, Chao-Chi Ho and Yun-Chien Cheng* Scientific Reports, 10, 18154, (SCI Ranking = 19/128=0.148, Multidisciplinary science, IF: 4.576)
2020 Push/Pull Inequality Based High-Speed On-Chip Mixer Enhanced by Wettability 蔡佳宏,T Takayama*, N. Hosokawa, C. D. Tsai and M. Kaneko Micromachines 11(10), 950 (SCI)
2020 Wettability Distribution on the Surface Treated by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet at Different Gas Flow Rates for Microfluidic Applications 蔡佳宏,C. Y. Peng, J. S. Wu and C. D. Tsai* IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (SCI)
2019 Passive Magnetic-Flux-Concentrator Based Electromagnetic Targeting System for Endobronchoscopy 鍾添淦,Chin-Chung Chen^, Ching-Kai Lin^ (Co-First Author), Chen-Wei Chang, Yun-Chien Cheng, Jia-En Chen, Sung-Lin Tsai, Tien-Kan Chung* Sensors (RF: 15/64=23.44%, Instrument & Instrumentation, IF:3.275) 23 (SCI)
2019 A Novel Three-Axial Magnetic-Piezoelectric MEMS AC Magnetic-Field Sensor (Invited Paper for Special Issue) 鍾添淦,Po-Chen Yeh, Hao Duan, Tien-Kan Chung* Micromachines (RF: 23/64= 35.94%, Instruments & Instrumentation, IF: 2.523) 10 (SCI)
2019 Time-resolved PIV Measurement and Thermal-hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Thin Film Self-Agitators in a Rectangular Channel Flow 陳清榮(2023年退休),Wang, S., Li, K., Ke, Z. and Chen, C.L. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (EI)
2019 A thermomagnetic-piezoelectric MEMS AC magnetic-field sensor demonstrating a novel room-temperature-range coil-less resetting/demagnetizing approach 鍾添淦,Chin-Chung Chen^, I-Lun Chen^, Hao Duan, Chia-Yung Tseng, Tien-Kan Chung* Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (RF: 19/64= 29.69%, Instruments & Instrumentation, IF: 2.904) (SCI)
2019 Experimental Study on Microfluidic Mixing with Different Zigzag Angles 蔡佳宏/C. D. Tsai* and X. Y. Lin Micromachines (SCI)