
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2010 High-efficiency Combustion of Natural Gas with 21-30% Oxygen-Enriched Air 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),K. K. Wu, Y. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, Y. D. Chen Fuel
2010 Experimental study of evaporation heat transfer of R-134a in a narrow annular duct 林清發(2016年退休),C.A. Chen, C.Y. Lee, T. F. Lin* International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Time periodic flow boiling heat transfer of R-134a and associated bubble characteristics in a narrow annular duct due to flow rate oscillation, 林清發(2016年退休),C.A. Chen, W.R. Chang, T. F. Lin* nternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2010 Optimization of Seesaw Swing Arm Actuator Design for Small Form Factor Optical Disk Drive 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Po-Chien Chou, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Stone Cheng† Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (SCI)
2010 A Novel Seesaw Swivel Actuator Design and Fabrication 鄭泗東(2023年退休),Po-Chien Chou, Yu-Cheng Lin, and Stone Cheng IEEE Transactions on Magnetics No. 7 (SCI, Others)
2010 "Estimating Road Angles With the Knowledge of the Vehicle Yaw Angle," 陳宗麟/L. - Y. Hsu and T. - L. Chen Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control No. 3
2010 "Investigating Mechanical Behaviors of Silica Nanoparticle Reinforced Composites" 蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Hung Hsiao and Yi-Lieh Cheng publication in Journal of Composite Materials (SCI)
2010 "Multi-scale Modeling of Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes/Polyimide Nanocomposites" 蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Shi-Hua Tzeng and Yu-Tsung Chiu publication in Composites Part B: Engineering 41 (SCI)
2010 "Investigating fracture parameters of graphene sheet using atomistic simulation and continuum modeling" 蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Shi-Hua Tzeng and Yu-Jen Tzou publication in International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (SCI)
2010 Characterizing Mechanical Properties of Graphite Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation 蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Jie-Feng Tu Materials and Design (SCI)