
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2013 An Experimental Study on the Heat Dissipation of LED Lighting Module Using Metal/Carbon Foam 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Chung, C.H., Lee, M.T., Chiang, S.B., Wong, C.C., and Wang*, C.C. Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement of Jet Impingement in a Cylindrical Chamber with a Heated Rotating Disk 劉耀先,Liu, Y.H., Tseng, L.W., Huang, C.Y., Lin, K.L., Chen, C.C. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Simulation of Velocity Distribution and Pressure Drop in Every Channel in the Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger 王啟川,Lo*, H.P., Hung, C.H., and Wang, C.C. ECS Transactions 1 (EI)
2013 Modeling and Experiment of Three Degree-of-freedom Actuators Using Piezoelectric Buzzers 呂宗熙(2016年退休),Chen, W. M. and Liu, T. S. Smart Materials and Structures No. 10 (SCI)
2013 Transparent Electrodes Based on Conducting Polymers for Display ApplicationsVol. 34, No. 4, pp.301-314, Oct. 2013 呂宗熙(2016年退休),Wang, Pen-Cheng, Liu, Li-Hung, Alemu, Desalegn, Li, Kuan-Hsun, Wen, Bor-Jiunn, Liu, Tzong-Shi, and Chu, Chih-Wei Displays 34 (SCI)
2013 See https://www.sites.google.com/site/bsyanglab/ 楊秉祥
2013 Oscillatory subcooled flowboiling heat transfer of R-134a and associated bubble characteristics inanarrow annular duct due to flow rate 林清發(2016年退休),S.L. Wang, C.A. Chen, T.F. Lin International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Influence of TiO2 buffer layer and post-annealing on the quality of Ti-doped ZnO thin films 洪紹剛,Y.C. Lin, C.Y. Hsu, S.K. Hung, D.C. Wen Ceramics International 5
2013 Investigation of the two-phase convective boiling of HFO-1234yf in a 3.9 mm diameter tube 王啟川,Lu, M.C., Tong, J.R., and Wang*, C.C. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 Enhancements of Power Generation by Using Biogas in a Swine Farm 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院)/Chiun-Hsun Chen The First Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology, Biosystems Engineering