
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2012 複合材料修補件之疲勞行為研究 金大仁(2020年退休),吳家宏,金大仁 中華民國第五屆破壞科學研討會論文集,pp.97-104.
2012 Two-Dimensional Pheromone Propagation Controller 李安謙/Der-Shui Lee and An-Chen Lee International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012 Shenzhen, China
2012 Run-to-Run Mixed Product Overlay Process Control: Using Tool Based Disturbance Estimator (TBDE) Approach 李安謙,An-Chen Lee, Tzu-Wei Kuo and Shang-Wei Chiang International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies-MIMT 2012 Shenzhen, China
2012 Fabrication of Deep Lateral Single-Crystal-Silicon Blaze Micro-grating by Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Reactive Ion Etch, 徐文祥,Lin, Y. H., Weng, C. J., Su, C. Y. Su, Hsu, W. IEEE-NEMS 2012 Kyoto, Japan
2012 Development of Microbead-based Affinity Biosensor by Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis 徐文祥,Chuo Tsung-Min, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu Wensyang IEEE-NEMS 2012 Kyoto, Japan
2012 Separation of Dendritic and T Cells Using Electrowetting and Dielectrophorsis 陳俊勳(2021年轉任國際半導體學院),C.-A. Chen, C.-H. Chen, A. M. Ghaemmaghami, S. -K. Fan IEEE International conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems
2012 MEMS Gyroscope Control Systems for Direct Angle Measurements," 陳宗麟/C.-Y. Chi and T.-L. Chen Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference Chirstchurch, New Zealand
2012 The effect of aspect ratio on flow boiling heat transfer of HFE-7100 in a microchannel heat sink 傅本然,C.Y. Lee, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 8th ECI International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer Lausanne, Switzerland
2012 Experimental investigation on gas-to-gas microchannel heat exchangers 傅本然,J. Lee, W.L. Huang, T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems Zhubei, Taiwan
2012 An investigation of heat transfer on cross-flow microchannel heat exchanger with gas heating 傅本然,W.L. Huang, T.L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan* 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems Zhubei, Taiwan