2009 |
A Numerical Simulation and Analysis of a Top-mounted Domestic Refrigerator |
Chi-Chuan Wang ,Yang, K.S., Chang, W.R., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. |
10th Asia Pacific Conference on Built Environment |
Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
2009 |
"Applying a Three-Antenna GPS and Suspension Displacement Sensors to a Road Vehicle," |
Tsung-Lin Chen ,L.-Y. Hsu and T.-L. Chen |
Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference |
Chirstchurch, New Zealand |
2009 |
Coflex-F and Pedicle Screw fixation in fusion surgery finite element biomechanical study |
Ching-Hua Hung ,Lo Cheng Chan,Tsai Kai Chou,Chung Cheng Cheng,Ching-Hua Hung |
57th Taiwan Orthopaedic Association |
National Taiwan University Hospital |
2009 |
Cristae decompression device (Coflex,) in the multi-section surgery biomechanical effects |
Ching-Hua Hung ,Tsai Kai Chou,Lo Cheng Chan,Chung Cheng Cheng,Ching-Hua Hung |
57th Taiwan Orthopaedic Association |
National Taiwan University Hospital |
2009 |
Effect of Orientation on the Convective Boiling Performance of Microchannel Heat Sink Using HFE-7100 |
Chi-Chuan Wang ,Yang, K.S., Jeng, Y.R., Huang, C.M., and Wang, C.C. |
IMPACT 2009 (International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference) |
Taipei, Taiwan |
2009 |
An Investigation of Thermal Spreading Device With Thermal Via in High Power LEDs |
Chi-Chuan Wang ,Yang, K.S., Wu, Y.L., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. |
IMPACT 2009 (International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly, and Circuits Technology Conference), |
Taipei, Taiwan |
2009 |
“Permanent magnet synchronous servo motor load torque vibration suppression immediate automatic adjustment mechanism” |
Stone Cheng,Fu Xiang Zhi |
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society of the 26th National Conference of the CSME |
Tainan City, National Cheng Kung University |
2009 |
Electroosmotic Flow in Dielectrophoresis-Formed Microchannel |
Wen-Syang Hsu ,Hu, Hao-Yu Fan, Shih-Kang Hsu, Wensyang Huang, Cheng-Yeh |
the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering |
2009 |
Music mood classification Identification and sound statement notation |
Stone Cheng,Xieyun Kai, Fu Junjie |
5th International Computer Music and Audio Technology Seminar(Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology), |
Taipei |
2009 |
Extraction based on the tempo of the music signal of the change of spectrum centroid algorithm |
Stone Cheng,Fu Junjie |
5th International Computer Music and Audio Technology Seminar(Workshop on Computer Music and Audio Technology), |
Taipei |