Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2012 Molecular dynamics simulation of heat transfer polyethylene single nanowires Ming-Chang Lu ,林政佑, 杜成偉, 蕭百沂 和 呂明璋 Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the twenty-ninth National Symposium
2012 Applied Micro nanostructures dropwise condensation heat transfer enhancement Ming-Chang Lu ,Luo Jingwen, Chi-Chuan Wang, Ming-Chang Lu
2012 Capacity enhancement of molten solar salt mixed with Sn/SiOx core-shell nanoparticles Ming-Chang Lu ,Chih-Chung Lai, Wen-Chih Chang, Wen-Liang Hu, Ming-Chang Lu, Yu-Lun Chueh
2011 The design and characteristic research of a dual-mode inertia motor Shao-Kang Hung /Chiao-Hua Cheng; Shao-Kang Hung IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (EI)
2011 A compact tapping mode AFM with sliding mode controller for precision image scanning Shao-Kang Hung /Jun-Wei Wu; Mei-Yung Chen; Shao-Kang Hung Control Conference (ASCC)
2011 An Experimental Study of Biologically Inspired Artificial Skin Sensor Under Static Loading and Dynamic Stimuli Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,J. Nishiyama, C. D. Tsai, M. Quigley, I. Kao*, A. Shibata, M. Higashimori, and M. Kaneko IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011)
2011 Nonprehensile Dynamic Manipulation of a Sheet-like Viscoelastic Object Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,I. G. Ramirez-Alpizar, M. Higashimori*, M. Kaneko, C. D. Tsai, and I. Kao IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2011)
2011 Characterizing Load Transfer Efficiency in Carbon Nanotubes Nanocomposites using multiscale simulation Ting-Chu Lu and Jia-Lin Tsai The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-18) 21-26 August, Jeju Island, Korea (Others)
2011 Enhancing Fracture Toughness of Glass/Epoxy Composites for Wind Blades Using Silica Nanoparticles and Rubber Particles Jia-Lin Tsai ,Jia-Lin Tsai, Bao-Hung Huang and Yi-Lieh Cheng The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-12) 24-26 January, Hong Kong, China. (Others)
2011 Investigating failure behaviors of adhesive joint Tai-Yuan Wang and Jia-Lin Tsai Republic of China Aerospace Institute Symposium Oct. 5, Taichung, Taiwan. (Others)