
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 會議名稱 地點 論文等級
2007 Heat Transfer in Trailing Edge, Wedge-Shaped Cooling Channels under High Rotation Numbers 劉耀先,Wright, L.M., Liu, Y.H., Han, J.C., and Chopra, S., ASME Turbo EXPO, GT-2007-27093 Montreal, Canada
2007 ” Biomechanical comparison between artificial disc and lumbar interbody fusion devices.” 洪景華,S-H Chen, Z-C Zhong, W-J Chen, C Hung* 52nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopedic Association Combine The 15th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Spine Society Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2007 “EHD Enhanced Heat Transfer with Needle-Arrayed Electrodes” 王啟川,Li, H.Y., Huang, R.T., Sheu, W.J., and Wang, C.C. the 23rd Semi-Therm Conf. The Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California USA
2007 “Investigations on Airside Performance of Heat Sinks Having Pin Fin Configurations'” 王啟川,Yang, K.S., Chu, W.S., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. the 23rd Semi-Therm Conf., The Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California USA
2007 “Simulation of gear shaving machine and tooth contact analysis of the shaved gears,” 洪景華,Chang, S. L., Lin, H. J., Chu, C. H., Liu, J. H. and Hung, C. H. The 2007 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering Hong Kong
2007 Efficient Implicit LU-SGS Scheme for High-Order Spectral Difference Method 陳清榮(2023年退休),Sun, Y., Wang, Z.J, Liu, Y., and Chen, C. L. 45th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno Nevada (EI)
2007 Vaporization Heat Transfer in Sintered Copper Wicks with Microgrooves in Heat Pipe Evaporators 陳清榮(2023年退休),Zhao, Y. and Chen, C.L. Thermal Challenges in Next Generation Electronic Systems II (Thermes II 2007) Santa Fe, New Mexico (EI)
2007 Influence of IrMn Exchange Bias Layer on the Magnetic Properties of Half Ring NiFe Micron Structures 張存均,A. Chen, L. Chang, K. Cheng and S. Lee 10th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference Baltimore, MD, USA
2007 “Design, Simulation, and Fabrication of a Novel Vibration-Based Magnetic Energy Harvesting Device” 鍾添淦,T. K. Chung, D. G. Lee, M. Ujihara, & G. P. Carman 14th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Conference (Transducers’07), vol. 1, pp. 867, Lyon, France, 2007 (EI, 1st Author) Lyon, France
2007 “Two-phase Frictional Pressure Gradient in Small Rectangular Channels” 王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Chen, Y.M., Liaw, J.S., and Wang, C.C. the 2007 UK Heat Transfer Conference