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Investigations of Temperature Characteristics of Pulsating Heat Pipe |
陳清榮(2023年退休),Cai, Q., Chen, C. L., and Asfia, J. |
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer on Boiling & Interfacial Phenomena |
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2006 |
An Investigation of Heat Transfer of a Reciprocating Piston |
廖英皓,W. -S. Fu, S. -H. Lian, and Y. -H. Liao |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
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“Effect of the Inlet Location on the Performance of Parallel-channel Cold-plate“ |
呂明璋(2019年調職)/M.-C. Lu and C.C. Wang |
IEEE Transactions on Components & Packaging Technologies |
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“Mechanical-Electrokinetic Battery by using Nano-porous Membrane” |
呂明璋(2019年調職),M.-C. Lu, R. Karnik, S. Satyanarayana and A. Majumdar, C.C. Wang |
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering |
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2006 |
“A Review of Single-phase and Two-phase Flow Characteristics in U-type Return Bends,” |
王啟川,Chen, I.Y. and Wang, C.C |
Trends in Heat and Mass Transfer |
2006 |
“Visual Observation of Two-phase Flow Across Vertically Split U-type Junctions,” |
王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Tsai, C.W., Hu, R., Wang, C.C. |
J. of Flow Visualization and Image Processing |
2006 |
“Distribution of Two-phase Flow Across 2.7 mm Vertically Split U-type Junctions,” |
王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Tsai, C.W., Yang, B.C., Wang, C.C. |
Chemical Engineering & Technology |
No. 10 |
2006 |
Analysis of Micro Diffuser/Nozzle,” |
王啟川,Yang, K.S., Liu, M.S., Chen, I.Y., and Wang, C.C. |
J. of Mechanical Engineering Science, |
2006 |
“An Amendment of the Generalized Friction Correlation for Louver Fin Geometry,” |
王啟川,Chang, Y.J., Chang, W.J., Li, M.C., and Wang, C.C. |
Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer |
2006 |
“Flow Patterns of Two-Phase Flow in Vertical U-Type Return Bends,” |
王啟川,Wongwises S., Kamsanam, W., and Wang, C.C. |
AIAA J. of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer |