
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2013 Finite element comparison of retrograde intramedullary nailing and locking plating fixation with/without an intramedullary allograft for distal femur fracture following total knee arthroplasty. 洪景華,Shih-Hao Chen, Ming-Chieh Chiang, Chinghua Hung*, Shang-Chih Lin, and Hsiao-Wei Chang (SCI)
2013 On Studying Fluidic Motions in an Oscillating Heat Pipe 王啟川,Chen, H.M., Chiang, C.M., Chien, K.H., Wang*, C.C. Applied Mechanics and Materials (EI)
2013 Orientation Effect on Heat Transfer of a Shrouded LED Backlight Panel With a Plate-fin Array 王啟川,Shyu, J.C., Hsu, K.W., Yang, K.S., and Wang*, C.C. Int. Communications on Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)
2013 High Rotation Number Effect on Heat Transfer in a Leading Edge Cooling Channel with Three Channel Orientations 劉耀先,Huang, S.C. and Liu, Y.H. ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (SCI)
2013 Jet Impingement Heat Transfer on Target Surfaces with Longitudinal and Transverse Grooves 劉耀先,Liu, Y.H., Song, S.J, and Lo, Y.H. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Issue 1-2
2013 Optimal Fast-Response Sliding-Mode Control for Flexible-Substrate Measurement 呂宗熙(2016年退休),Wen, B. J. and Liu, T. S. accepted for publication in Control Engineering Practice No. 5 (SCI)
2013 Soldering of solution-processed organic vertical transistor and lightemitting diode on separate glass substrates by tin micro-balls 徐文祥,Lin, Y.-H., Chang, Y.-F., Meng, H.-F., Zan, H.-W., Hsu, W., and Chen, C.-H. Organic Electronics
2013 Design and characterization of LC strain sensors with novel inductor for sensitivity enhancement 徐文祥,Wu, S.-Y. and Hsu, W. Smart Materials and Structures 10
2013 An Overview for the Heat Transfer Performance of HFO-1234yf 王啟川,Wang*, C.C. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI)
2013 Enhanced Cooling for LED lighting Using Ionic Wind 王啟川,Chen, I.Y., Kuo, M.Z., Yang, K.S., Wang*, C.C. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI)