名次 | 專題題目 | 指導老師姓名 | 專題學生姓名 |
第一名 | 透過表情辨識實現測謊 | 蔡佳宏 | 江柏樞 |
第二名 | 桌上哨型風力裝置改良與設計研究 | 賴錦文、Chee Pei Song (UTAR) | 許菡真 |
第二名 | 利用機器學習及均衡化達到夜間即時顏色辨識 | 蔡佳宏 | 吳謹君 |
第三名 | 捷運小寵物app | 鄭雲謙 | 林揚森 |
第三名 | 渦流誘導懸臂樑振動之能量轉換 | 賴錦文、黃正昇 | 李姿盈 |
佳作 | 應用新款編碼器,修改並更新RCS機構及控制器 | 魏世昕 | 陳奕蓁、劉語安 |
佳作 | 以神經生理量測並量化壓力對決策之影響 | 楊秉祥 | 郭恩琳 |
佳作 | 針對EB Camera測試的裝置設計 | 陳竺博淵 | 高逸傑、李煜宸 |
佳作 | 腹腔鏡手術模組模擬計劃 | 楊秉祥 | 簡依婷 |
佳作 | 史前動物滑翔流場可視化設計 | 賴錦文 | 楊右晨 |
佳作 | Distinguish noise and events at the scale of human cells using Data-driven Feature Tracking for Event Cameras. | 陳竺博淵 | 楊琍淩 |
At the competition venue, participating students enthusiastically engaged in discussions with professors and peers.

The photo session of the award-winning project students with the judging professors.

第一名江柏樞同學,得獎作品: 透過表情辨識實現測謊,蔡佳宏老師指導。
First place goes to 江柏樞 for the project: 'Lie Detection through Facial Recognition,' supervised by Associate Professor Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai.

第二名有2篇。許菡真同學(中),桌上哨型風力裝置改良與設計研究,賴錦文老師、Prof. Chee Pei Song (UTAR)指導。
Second place is shared by two projects. 許菡真(center) for the project 'Improvement and Design Research of Tabletop Whistle-Type Wind Harvesting Device,' supervised by Professor Lua Kim Boon and Professor Chee Pei Song (UTAR). 吳謹君 (right) for the project 'Real-time Night Color Recognition Using Machine Learning and Equalization,' supervised by Associate Professor Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai.

第三名有2篇。林揚森同學(中),捷運小寵物app 鄭雲謙老師指導。李姿盈同學(右),渦流誘導懸臂樑振動之能量轉換,賴錦文老師、黃正昇老師指導。
Third place is also shared by two projects. 林揚森 (center) for the project 'Metro Pet App,' supervised by Professor Yun-Chien Cheng. 李姿盈 (right) for the project 'Energy Conversion of Vortex-Induced Cantilever Beam Vibration,' supervised by Professor Lua Kim Boon and Professor Cheng-Sheng Huang.

Six honorable mentions are awarded to the following projects, from left to right:
高逸傑、李煜宸同學,針對EB Camera測試的裝置設計,陳竺博淵老師指導。
高逸傑and 李煜宸for the project 'The design of a testing device for EB Camera,' supervised by Assistant Professor Zu Puayen Tan.
陳奕蓁and 劉語安for the project 'The application of a new encoder to modify and update RCS mechanisms and controllers,' supervised by Assistant Professor Shih-Sin Wei.
郭恩琳for the project 'The measurement and quantification of stress effects on decision-making using neurophysiology,' supervised by Professor Bing-Shiang Yang.
簡依婷for the project 'The simulation planning of a laparoscopic surgery module,' supervised by Professor Bing-Shiang Yang.
楊右晨for the project 'The design of flow visualization for prehistoric gliding animal,' supervised by Professor Lua Kim Boon.
楊琍淩,Distinguish noise and events at the scale of human cells using Data-driven Feature Tracking for Event Cameras,陳竺博淵老師指導。
楊琍淩for the project 'Distinguish noise and events at the scale of human cells using Data-driven Feature Tracking for Event Cameras,' supervised by Assistant Professor Zu Puayen Tan.