2009 |
"Characterizing mechanical properties of graphite using molecular dynamics simulation" |
蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Jie-Feng Tu |
Materials and Design |
(SCI) |
2009 |
"Characterizing elastic properties of carbon nanotubes/polyimide nanocomposites using multi-scale simulation" |
蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Shi-Hua Tzeng, Yu-Tsung Chiu |
Composites |
(SCI) |
2009 |
"Characterizing Tensile Strength of Notched Cross-Ply and Quasi-Isotropic Composite Laminates" |
蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Chung-Wen Chen |
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |
(SCI) |
2009 |
"2-D Analytical Model for Characterizing Flexural Damping Responses of Composite Laminates" |
蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Nai-Ren Chang |
Composite Structures |
(SCI) |
2009 |
"Enhancing Fracture Toughness of Glass/Epoxy Composites by Using Rubber Particles Together with Silica Nanoparticles" |
蔡佳霖,Jia-Lin Tsai, Bao-Hung Huang and Yi-Lieh Cheng |
Journal of Composite Materials |
25 |
(SCI) |
2009 |
"Investigating the Load Transfer Efficiency in Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Nanocomposites" |
蔡佳霖/Jia-Lin Tsai and Ting-Chu Lu |
Composite Structures |
(SCI) |
2009 |
”Laser Diode Feedback Signal for Position Sensing Using Self-Mixing Interference,” |
呂宗熙(2016年退休),Tsai, M. Y. and Liu, T. S. |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
03A007 |
(SCI, Others) |
2008 |
Real-time detection of linear and angular displacements with a modified DVD optical head |
洪紹剛/Hwu En-Te; Hung Shao-Kang; Yang Chih-Wen; et al |
Nanotechnology |
11 |
2008 |
Effect of Free Electrons on Nanoparticle Charging in a Wire-Tube Negative Corona Discharge |
吳宗信,A. Aliat, C.-T. Hung, C.-J. Tsai and J.-S. Wu* |
Applied Physics Letter |
(SCI) |
2008 |
Heat Transfer in a Two-Pass Rectangular Channel (AR=1:4) under High Rotation Numbers |
劉耀先,Yao-Hsien Liu, Michael Huh, Je-Chin Han and Sanjay Chopra |
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer |
Issue 8 |