
年度 論文名稱 全部作者 期刊名稱 期數 期刊等級
2017 Transfer Function of Macro-Micro Manipulation on a PDMS Microfluidic Chip 蔡佳宏,K. Mizoue, K. Teramura, C. D. Tsai*, and M. Kaneko Micromachines (SCI)
2017 A Miniature Magnetic-Force-Based Three-Axis AC Magnetic Sensor with Piezoelectric/Vibrational Energy-Harvesting Functions 鍾添淦,Chiao-Fang Hung, Po-Chen Yeh, Tien-Kan Chung* Sensors (RF: 15/64=23.44%, Instrument & Instrumentation, IF:3.275) 2 (SCI)
2017 Mechanical diagnosis of human erythrocytes by ultra-high speed manipulation unraveled critical time window for global cytoskeletal remodeling 蔡佳宏,H. Ito, R. Murakami, S. Sakuma, C. D. Tsai, T. Gutsmann, K. Brandenburg, J. Poschl, F. Arai, M. Kaneko*, and M Tanaka* Scientific Reports (SCI)
2017 Design and preliminary results of a 20-kW transcritical organic Rankine cycle with a screw expander for low-grade waste heat recovery 傅本然,J.C. Hsieh*, B.R. Fu, T.W. Wang, Y. Cheng, Y.R. Lee, J.C. Chang Applied Thermal Engineering (SCI)
2017 Numerical study on an airflow field of a reticle stocker with a moving crane in a mini-environment 傅本然,S.S. Chu, B.R. Fu*, S.C. Hu*, S.J. Jhou Atmosphere (SCI)
2017 Air curtain application in a purged unified pod 傅本然,S.C. Hu, T. Lin, B.R. Fu*, T.Y. Wang Applied Thermal Engineering (SCI)
2017 Critical heat flux enhancement of HFE-7100 flow boiling in a minichannel heat sink with saw-tooth structures 傅本然,B.R. Fu, S.Y. Chung, W.R. Lin, L. Wang, Chin Pan* Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI)
2017 Assessment of the SEMI energy conversion factor and its application for semiconductor and LCD fabs 傅本然,S.C. Hu, Y.W. Tsai, B.R. Fu*, C.K. Chang Applied Thermal Engineering (SCI)
2017 Tooth Bleaching by Using a Helium-based Low-Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet with Saline Solution 鄭雲謙,Yun-Chien Cheng, Chia-Hua Wu, Chih-Tung Liu, Chia-Yung Lin, Hsuang-Ping Chiang, Tsung-Wen Chen, Chao-Yu Chen, Jong-Shinn Wu* Plasma Processes and Polymers, (SCI Ranking 5/30, IF:2.713) Highlighted by WILEY-VHC publisher’s website Advanced Science News
2017 Theoretical and Practical Investigation into the Use of a Bio-Inspired ‘‘Click’’ Mechanism for the Flight Motor of an MAV 劉義強,Tang, B., Meng, X, Zhang, F, Brennan, M.J. Lau, G. K., Wang, Z., Feng, L., International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles 2