Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2011 Performance of Tube in Tube Heat Exchanger with Supercritical CO2 Fluid Chi-Chuan Wang ,Lin, K.H., Wang, C.C., and Yu, S. The 2011 International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies (FDTT 2011)
2011 Finite element analysis of gas cylinder sealing Ching-Hua Hung ,Zhang Yaqiao, Huang Qi Zhen, Lin Jia Rong, Hong Jinghua Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society twenty-eighth National Symposium
2011 Research on Hydroforming of Micro Channel with High Aspect Ratio Metal Plate Ching-Hua Hung ,Yan Zhenjie, Lin Chi, Hong Jinghua, Hong Rong Chong The 35th National Mechanics Conference of the Republic of China Mechanics Society
2011 Development of a Parallel 2-D Hybrid Gas Flow and Plasma Fluid Modeling Algorithm and Its Application in Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jets Jong-Shinn Wu ,K. - M. Lin, M. - H. Hu, C. - T. Hung, and J.-S. Wu* Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics
2010 A range-extended displacement sensor using a quartz tuning fork Shao-Kang Hung /Yi Lu; Chiao-Hua Cheng; Li-Kang Chen; Shao-Kang Hung EEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
2010 Study of the Relationship Between the Strain and Strain Rate for Viscoelastic Contact Interface in Robotic Grasping Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,C. D. Tsai, J. Nishiyama, I. Kao*, M. Higashimori, and M. Kaneko IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010)
2010 The design and characteristic study of a 3-dimensional piezoelectric nano-positioner Shao-Kang Hung /Yu-Chi Wang; Li-Kang Chen; Shao-Kang Hung SICE Annual Conference (EI)
2010 Experimental Study of Creep Response of Viscoelastic Contact Interface Under Force Control Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,C. D. Tsai, I. Kao*, A. Shibata, K. Yoshimoto, M. Higashimori, and M. Kaneko IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010)
2010 Investigating the Stress Distribution of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Polyimide Nanocomposites Jia-Lin Tsai /Shi-Hua Tzeng and Jia-Lin Tsai The 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites Oct. 10-13, Beijing, China (Others)
2010 Investigating Failure Behaviors of Adhesive Joint based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation Jia-Lin Tsai /Tai-Yuan Wang and Jia-Lin Tsai The 2nd International Conference on Nanomechanics and Nanocomposites Oct. 10-13, Beijing, China (Others)