Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2007 Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Particulate Nanocomposites using Multi-Scale Simulation Jia-Lin Tsai /ia-Lin Tsai and Shi-Hua Tzeng the Taiwan-Russia Joint Symposium on Soft Materials Taiwan (Others)
2007 Biomechanical comparison between transforaminal and posterior lumbar interbody fusion devices after decompressive surgery Ching-Hua Hung ,S-H Chen, P-F Hsu, Z-C Zhong, C-C Lo, W-J Chen, C Hung 53nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association Taoyuan, Taiwan
2007 The load and displacement controlled finite element analyses on fusion and non-fusion spinal implants Ching-Hua Hung ,S-H Chen, Z-C Zhong, M-C Chiang, W-J Chen, C Hung* 53nd Congress of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association Taoyuan, Taiwan
2007 “Adaptive ZPETC Focusing Method For Dual-Stage Actuator In Miniaturized Optical Disc Drive” Stone Cheng,Po-Chien Chou Taiwan-Korea Data Storage Symposium 2007
2007 Developing a General-Purpose Parallelized Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Code (PDSC) Using Unstructured Grid: A Progress Report Jong-Shinn Wu ,J.-S. Wu*, K.-C. Tseng, H.M. Cave, Y.-Y. Lian, J.-P. Yu, Y.-S. Chen, M.C. Jermy and S.P. Krumdieck DSMC: Theory, Methods and Applications Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
2007 Flow Field Modelling of Pulsed Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition Jong-Shinn Wu ,H.M. Cave, J.-C. Huang, J.-S. Wu, S.P. Krumdieck, K.-C. Tseng, M.C. Jermy, M. Lebedev, K.-W. Cheng and Y.-S. Chen Sixteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition Den Haag (Scheveningen), The Netherlands
2007 "Investigating Mechanical Behaviors of Particulate Nanocomposites" Jia-Lin Tsai /Jia-Lin Tsai and Hung Hsiao The American Society for Composites, 22th Technical Conference Seattle, WA (Others)
2007 “Compressor piston cylinder Simulation of Flow Field” Ching-Yao Chen,Cheng Kuo Feng,Chen Jen Hua 14th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Nantou,Taiwan
2007 Transporting and Heating Droplets by AC Electric Fields on a EWOD-Based Parallel Plate Device Wen-Syang Hsu ,Wei, Jen-Hung, Hsu, Wensyang, Fan, Shih-Kang IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular, Medicine and Engineering (NANOMED)