Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2009 Investigation of Characteristics of Multi-Function ZnO Thin Film Deposited with Various Argon and Oxygen Ratios Jong-Shinn Wu ,Che-Wei Hsu, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, Chun-Hui Yang, Yi-Ling Shen, Jong-Shinn Wu*, Sheng-Yao Wu, Wen-Hsien Huang 2009 MRS Spring Meeting
2009 A Condensate-Less Design of Cold Plate in Vapor-compression System Applicable to High-end Computing Chi-Chuan Wang ,Wu, Y.L., Yang, K.S., Lin, S.J., Wang, C.C. the 25th Semi-Therm Conf. The Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, California USA
2009 “Experiments on Breakups of a Ferrofluid Drop Through a Micro Orifice” Ching-Yao Chen,C.-Y. Chen, C.-H. Chen and W.-F. Lee Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2009) Beijing, China
2009 Biomechanical comparison of unilateral and bilateral pedicle screws fixation for transforaminal lumbar interbody interbody fusion after decompressive surgery - A finite element analysis Ching-Hua Hung ,Shih-hao Chen, Shih-Heng Chao, Zheng-Cheng Zhong, Chinghua Hung, Wen-Jer Chen 55th Annual Meeting (ORS 55th), No. 1725 Las Vegas, Nevada, US
2009 Computational Aerodynamics Study for a Small Launch Vehicle Design Jong-Shinn Wu ,Yen-Sen Chen*, Y. Y. Lian, Bill Wu, F. T. Hwang, J. S. Wu HPC-Aisa 2009
2009 High Resolution Finite Volume Simulation of Competitive Flora Species in Varying Topography Jong-Shinn Wu ,M.R. Smith*, G.-Z.M. Song, J.-S. Wu HPC-Aisa 2009
2009 Parallel Computing of Three-Dimensional Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation for H2+ and H2 Molecule Under Linearly polarized Short-pulsed Laser Irradiation Jong-Shinn Wu ,Y.M. Lee, T.F. Jiang, J.-S. Wu* and Y. S. Chen
2009 Gas dynamics simulations using the QDS method Jong-Shinn Wu ,Hadley M. Cave, Matthew R. Smith,, Mark C. Jermy, J.-S. Wu* HPC-Asia 2009
2009 Non-Thermal Plasma Simulation Using Parallel Fluid Modeling Code Jong-Shinn Wu ,C.-T. Hung, M.-H. Hu, Y.-M. Chiu, K.-M. Lin, Y.-C. Wang, and J.-S. Wu* HPC-Asia 2009
2009 General Framework of the Run to Run Controllers for Semiconductor Manufacturing An-Chen Lee /A. C. Lee and Y. R. Pan Proceedings of 2008 CACS International Automatic Control Conference