Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2009 Simulation of Excimer Ultraviolet (EUV) Emission from a Xenon Excimer Ultraviolet Lamp Using Pulsed Voltage Power Jong-Shinn Wu ,S.-Y. Jou, C.-T. Hung1, Y.-M. Chiu, J.-S. Wu* and B.-Y. Wei Sixth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology (APSPT-6)
2009 Real Time Tracking Multiple YUV 24-Bit Color Objects With 8-Bit MCU-Based Embedded Vision System An-Chen Lee /H. N. Nguyen and A. C. Lee The Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control
2009 “Ferrofluid patterns in a radial magnetic field” Ching-Yao Chen,C.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Yang, W.-L. Wu and J. Miranda The 6th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009 “Ordered Microdroplet Formations of Thin Ferrofluid Layer Breakups” Ching-Yao Chen,C.-Y. Chen, C.-S. Li and C.-F. Liu The 6th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2009 Numerical simulations of unsteady inviscid flow using the quiet direct simulation method Jong-Shinn Wu ,C.W. Lim, Z. Zaino Abidin, H.M. Cave, M.C. Jermy, J.-S. Wu*, M.R. Smith and S.P. Krumdieck PSFVIP-7: The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
2009 True directional equilibrium fluxes using an integral particle method Jong-Shinn Wu ,Alexander Ferguson, Matthew R. Smith, and J.-S. Wu* PSFVIP-7: The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
2009 Development of a transient adaptive sub-cell (tas) module for the unstructured-grid direct simulation Monte Carlo (dsmc) method Jong-Shinn Wu ,C.C. S, K.C. Tseng, H.M. Cave, J.-S. Wu*, Y.Y. Lian, T.C. Kuo and M.C. Jermy PSFVIP-7: The 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
2009 “Radial magnetic field of the magnetic fluid interface instability” Ching-Yao Chen,Y.-S. Yang, W.-L. Wu and C.-Y. Chen Proc. of the 33rd (ROC) National Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics Miao-Li, Taiwan
2009 "Investigating Particle Effect on the Tensile Strength of Nanocomposites – Using Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics" Jia-Lin Tsai /Yi-An Lin and Jia-Lin Tsai Thirty-third National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Republic of China Miaoli, Taiwan (Others)