Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2010 ”Brushless DC motor for electric bicycles down order controller design” Stone Cheng, Song Zhihao The twenty-seventh National Conference of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
2010 “Used in variable speed wind turbine based on the control law in inverted order integral sliding mode control” Stone Cheng, Jiang Guowei The twenty-seventh National Conference of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
2010 Electric bicycles immediate dynamic power management system strategy Stone Cheng, Huang Guanhao The twenty-seventh National Conference of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
2009 An Experimental Study and Modeling of Loading and Unloading of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Contacts Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,C. D. Tsai, I. Kao*, K. Yoshimoto, M. Higashimori, and M. Kaneko IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2009)
2009 Transforming a CD/DVD pick-up-head into an accelerometer Shao-Kang Hung /Jih-Wei Chieh; Shao-Kang Hung IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
2009 Yi Lu; Chiao-Hua Cheng; Li-Kang Chen; Shao-Kang Hung Shao-Kang Hung /Hu Wan-Lin; Hung Shao-Kang; Yen Shih-Hsun; Fu Li-Chen Asian Control Conference
2009 The Latency Model for Viscoelastic Contact Interface in Robotics: Theory and Experiments Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai,C. D. Tsai, and I. Kao* IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2009)
2009 Sliding Observer for Friction Compensation in a Linear-Motor-Driven Motion System An-Chen Lee ,R. H. Horng, A. C. Lee International Conference on Manufacturing and Engineering Systems
2009 Development of an Implicit Solver of Fluid Modeling Equations for Gas Discharges Jong-Shinn Wu ,Chieh-Tsan Hung, Yuan-Ming Chiu, Feng-Nan Hwang and J.-S. Wu* Conference on Computational Physics (CCP) 2009
2009 Development of a large scale parallel fluid modeling code using finite-volume method based on Cartesian grids Jong-Shinn Wu ,Kun-Mo Lin, Matthew R. Smith and J.-S. Wu* Conference on Computational Physics (CCP) 2009