Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2011 Liquid Flow Distribution in Compact Parallel Flow Heat Exchangers Chi-Chuan Wang ,Chen, I.Y., Tsai, J.S., Wang, C.C. and Yang, K.S. The 2011 International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies (FDTT 2011) Bali, Indonesia
2011 Combustion Efficiency Enhancement of Hybrid Propellant Diffusion Flame with Magnesium Hydride Additive Jong-Shinn Wu ,Yen-Sen Chen*, Y. Y. Lian, L. Yang, Bill Wu T. H. Chou, J. S. Wu The 21st National Conference on Combustion Science and Technology
2011 The Effect of Swirl on the Structure of Strongly-Pulsed Turbulent Diffusion Flames Ying-Hao Liao /Y. -H. Liao and J. C. Hermanson 7th US National Combustion Meeting Atlanta, GA, USA
2011 The CO/NOx Emissions of Strongly-Pulsed Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames with Swirl Ying-Hao Liao /Y. -H. Liao and J. C. Hermanson 7th US National Combustion Meeting Atlanta, GA, USA
2011 Electroosmotic Flow Control in a Virtual Microchannel Based on Liquid Dielectrophoresis Wen-Syang Hsu ,Huang, Cheng-Yeh, Fan, Shih-Kang, Hsu, Wensyang IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2011)
2011 " Design and fabrication of a CMOS MEMS logic gate " Tsung-Lin Chen ,C.-Y. Tsai , T.-L. Chen Photonics West technical Program The Moscone Center San Francisco , California , USA,
2011 Electroplating Process of Ni-CNTs Nanocomposite for MEMS Resonator Fabrication Wen-Syang Hsu ,Lee, Yi-Chia, Cheng, Y. T. and Hsu, Wensyang IEEE MEMS Conference
2011 Fu, Ben-Ran