Conference Paper

Year Paper Title Authors Conference Name Location Paper Level
2011 A Muitlple-GPU Accelerated Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method Jong-Shinn Wu ,C.-C. Su, J.-S. Wu*, M. R. Smith, C.-W. Hsieh, K.-C. Tseng and F.-A. Kuo DSMC11
2011 Modified Double EWMA Approach for Mixed Product Run-to-Run CMP Process Control An-Chen Lee ,An-Chen Lee*, Tzu-Wei Kuo and Zeng-Lien Lee International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering-ADME 2011
2011 Orientation Effect on the Convective Boiling performance of a Microchannel Heat Sink Chi-Chuan Wang ,Wang, C.C., Chang, W.J., Dai, C.H., and Yang, K.S. the 4th International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER and FLUID FLOW in MICROSCALE HTFFM-IV Fukuoka, Japan
2011 “Tracking the Real-Time Emotional Locus of Music Signals,” and Stone Cheng ,Jun-Jie Fu, Liwei Lin NST 2010 Osaka
2011 Miscible Displacements in a Radial Hele-Shaw Flow with Nonmonotonic Viscosity Profiles Ching-Yao Chen,L.-C. Wang, C.-H. Chen and C.-Y. Chen The 18th (ROC) National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Land County, Taiwan
2011 The proliferation of high-precision interface method in the non-miscible rotating Hele-Shaw flow numerical simulation Ching-Yao Chen,Huang Yu Sheng 18th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference I-Land County, Taiwan
2011 From Miscible to Immiscible: Physics and Modeling of a Diffuse Interface Ching-Yao Chen/C.-Y. Chen The 18th (ROC) National Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics I-Land County
2011 A Pressure-based All-speed Navier-Stokes Equation Solver and Its Parallel Implementation Jong-Shinn Wu ,M.-H. Hu, J.-S. Wu*, Y.-S. Chen, and J.-P. Yu 18th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Taiwan
2011 A True-direction Reconstruction to the Multi-dimensional Quiet Direct Simulation Method Jong-Shinn Wu ,Y.-J. Lin, M. R. Smith, H. M. Cave, J.-S. Wu* and M. C. Jermy 18th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Taiwan
2011 Development and Validation of a Parallel Semi-Implicit Two-Dimensional Plasma Fluid Modeling Code Using Finite-Volume Method Jong-Shinn Wu ,K.-M. Lin, C.-T. Hung, J.-P. Yu, F.-N. Hwang, M. R. Smith, Y.-W. Yang and J.- S. Wu* 18th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference in Taiwan