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The minimum graduation credits is 131 credits:

◎Bachelors required courses (76 credits.):

Academic year


Required Courses



 微積分 Calculus (I), 物理 General Physics (I), 物理實驗 Physics Lab (I), 化學 General Chemistry (I),
 化學實驗 Chemisty Lab (I)


 微積分 Calculus (II), 物理 General Physics (II), 物理實驗 Physics Lab (II), 圖學 Graphics, 
 應用力學 Applied Mechanics (I)



 熱力學(一) Thermodynamics (I), 工程材料 Engineering Materials, 機動學 Mechanism,
 工程數學 Engineering Mathematics (I), 材料力學 Mechanics of Materials


 機械製造 Mechanical Manufacturing, 工場實習 Workshop Practice, 電工學 Electrical Engineering,
 工程數學 Engineering Mathematics(II), 應用力學 Applied Mechanics (II)



 計算機程式 Computer Programming, 自動控制(一) Automatic Control(I),
 機械設計原理 Principles of Mechanical Design,  流體力學 Fluid Mechanics,
 機械工程實驗(一) Mechanical Engineering Labs. (I) 電工實驗Electrical Engineering Labs


 機械工程實驗(二) Mechanical Engineering Labs. (II), 熱傳學 Heat Transfer,
 機械實作(一)Mechanical Practice(I)



 機械實作(二)Mechanical Practice(II)



 Happy Mechanical Engineers (I) (the 1st semester of the 1st academic year, 0 credit and 2 hours), Happy Mechanical Engineers (II) (the 2nd semester of the 1st academic year, 0 credit and 2 hours) and Introduction of Computer Science (the 1st semester of the 1st academic year, 3 credit and 3 hours) are obligatory for each student to take for once. If a student fails to pass the three courses, he or she does not have to retake the three courses.


◎Bachelors Core Elective Courses Fields:
Core Elective Courses
Energy and Heat Flow
 Thermodynamics (II), Energy Technology, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineering, Intermediate Fluid Mechanics, Micro/Nano Scale Energy Transport, Heat Exchanger Design, Gas Turbine Cooling Technology, Combustion Fundamentals, Supervised Independent Study (I) & (II)
Machine and Biomechanics
 Intermediate Mechanics of Materials, Vibration, Occupational Biomechanics, Biofluid Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Supervised Independent Study (I)&(II)
Sensing and Control Systems
 Automatic Control (II), Electromechanical Device, Microprocessor, Applied Electrics, Principles of Sensors and Measurement Systems, Signals and Systems, Supervised Independent Study (I) &(II)
Machine Design and Manufacturing Techniques
 Systematic Mechanical Design, Computer-Integrated Design and Manufacturing, Creative Mechanism Design, Introduction of MEMS Technology, Fundamentals of Precision Engineering, Mechatronics Design and Practice, CNC Machine Exercising, Smart Materials and Micro/Nano Device, Laser Precision Machining and Applications, Supervised Independent Study (I) & (II)
Note: Undergraduate students need to have completed at least six elective courses before graduation and select at least three fields from the four fields. One of three fields have completed at least two courses . The other two fields have completed at least one course each. When the courses of Supervised Independent Study (I) and Supervised Independent Study (II) are both finished, the two courses can be jointly counted as one course. The subjects newly added to the table of courses above and note can be recognized retrospectively. (The subjects which are not listed in the table of courses above can be reviewed, recognized and approved by the Director of the Department as the subjects in a particular field.)
