年度 2018
全部作者 黃瑞宇,Ruei-Yu Huang, Chung-Wei Cheng, An-Chen Lee
論文名稱 NURBS path tracking control of a scanning mirror system based on EtherCAT fieldbus
會議名稱 3rd International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering, ICCRE 2018
地點 Nagoya, Japan
會議期間 2018/04/20-23
論文類型 會議論文,口頭報告
論文等級 Others
總頁數 6
作者類別 First Author
著作人數 3
摘要 In this paper, an EtherCAT scanning mirror system with function of NURBS path tracking control was investigated. By using EtherCAT protocol to connect master computer with a scanning mirror system, we did a first attempt to implement position control by the master computer, so that one can apply an advanced control algorithm to the system instead of applying a distributed control algorithm on the proprietary driver of the slave device. The technical issue of this configuration like commutation delay caused by the three-buffer-mode is addressed. A two-staged H-infinity with feed-forward controller is designed for the position control loop. Moreover, considering the widely used of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) in the field of CAD/CAM, we added the function of NURBS path planning in the controller so that the system can deal with complex NURBS curves. The experiment results showed that the proposed method can reduce tracking error and have better performance when comparing with traditional distributed control strategy.
參考連結 http://10.1109/ICCRE.2018.8376438
發表日期 2018-06-08
ISSN (ISBN) 9781538666630
語言 英文